The hour was late when Ellen heard three knocks in quick succession. She took a deep breath, said a quick prayer that she was doing the right thing, and opened the door. There stood the Earl, looking a little nervous, his hand tapping against his leg, but he smiled at her. She moved to let him in. He stepped to the side, and Ellen poked her head out the door to make sure no one was watching. But the sconces burned low and no one roamed the halls. She shut the door.
The Earl was wearing only shirtsleeves, breeches, and boots, and Ellen thought he looked the best she'd ever seen him look, and younger in the firelight in the room. The hardness she had noticed on his face when he arrived at Bright Vales, gentled with a small smile. He was still tense though-she could see it in the way he held himself, stiffly, as if anticipating Ellen changing her mind, or worse, her outright rejection. But Ellen, though a bit anxious herself-this was an irrevocable step, after all-knew that she and the Earl were meant to end up here, together. A niggling worry did tug at her mind-what would she do if the Earl chose not to marry her after coming to her bed? But she trusted him. He had come to save her from her cousin, so surely she meant something to him. She would just have to hope this was no mistake.
He didn't seem in a hurry to begin. In fact, he seemed fine to stand there all night in the middle of the room wondering what she was going to do. Perhaps Ethan needed her to act first-reassurance that she wasn't having second thoughts. She went to him, snaking her arms around his back, savoring the strength in his chest, and leaning her head against his shoulder.
"Ethan," she whispered, and it was as if she'd spoke a magic incantation, for his own arms gathered her close, holding her, just holding her, his heart beating madly. He kissed the top of her head then ran his fingers through the long strands of her hair, twisting the auburn curls around his fingers. How long they stood that way, Ellen could not be sure, but every moment felt precious and strengthened her resolve.
"I feared you wouldn't come," Ellen said.
The Earl chuckled quietly. "I hoped you wouldn't answer the door." At her look of fear and puzzlement, he added, "I hoped you were the sane one."
"Are we insane then?" she asked, and he nodded. She moved in his embrace to take one of his hands and kiss each roughened finger. The Earl sighed-and then gasped when she took a finger and lightly sucked it, letting her tongue stroke and caress it at first softly, and then with more purpose. She moved on to the next finger, her mouth easing up and down its length, her tongue laving him until he moaned.
Then he removed his hand from her ministrations and took her mouth in a kiss that was like waves crashing all around her. His tongue sought and entwined with hers, meeting every lunge with pressure of her own-the tongues speaking their own ancient words of acknowledgment and need. And then with infinite gentleness, he slipped his hand into her night rail, seeking the soft fullness of her right breast. He dipped his head to the bright peak, extra rosy in the candlelight, and took her into his mouth. The moan Ellen released was only half human as she writhed to feel everything he was giving her.
"Beautiful Ellie, do you like that?" he asked, as the sensitive peak pebbled. He nipped at it, his teeth gripping onto flesh with a quick intensity followed by soothing, silky kisses that made her want to swoon. He moved to her other breast, so it didn't feel left out, repeating the nips and soothing. She swayed in his arms and felt new worlds be born.
"My love," he whispered, 'I want to see you."
"Yes," she breathed.
He pulled the night rail from her shoulders, and she stood before him naked, her perfect rounded form everything he could have hoped for. He kissed her breasts again, then his mouth roamed over her shoulders, then down over her abdomen, then lower until he reached the top of her nether curls. "You're dazzling, Ellie," he whispered. "I want to touch you."

A Duke for Lady Ellen
RomanceLady Ellen--or "Lady Mishap" as she's known--is in her third Season and has yet to find a husband--mostly because she's so clumsy (or unlucky?) that the gentlemen she meets avoid her after one encounter. The Duke of Danbury, however, seems not remo...