She stared at the Duke expectantly, wondering what to say. She needn't have worried though, for after pleasantries inquiring about dinner, the Duke launched into a tale so uproarious-something about an accidental bath with a baby elephant in India-that soon the entire room was engaged and laughing. Lord Fredrick also shared tales about India-for the two men had traveled together on a business venture-and he confirmed that the baby elephant story was indeed the truth. Then several of the other lords joined in about trips they had taken across the world, as if trying to best each other, and finally Ellen paid her goodnights and slipped out of the room. A room full of boasting men was tedious after all.
What had the Earl wished to tell her? If only she knew in which room he stayed, she would go to him and ask-even if that was improper and she risked being compromised if anyone saw her. She started up the stairway, then changed her mind and walked to the back of the house out on the terrace. The moon was full and bright, but even so, it was difficult to see where she was going, and she bumped straight into someone else enjoying the quiet of the night.
"I beg your pardon!" She stumbled back against a low wall, startled.
The man moved out of the shadows and reached his arms about her before she could fall. But he did not let her go when he saw whom he had righted. "Lady Ellen?"
"My lord! I thought you had gone to bed?" She could feel the warmth of his hands at her waist, and a flutter of awareness in her belly. The emerald green of his eyes almost appeared onyx in the darkness, and she felt as if she were falling into their tenebrous pools. In fact, the longer she remained in his arms, the headier she felt, her breath quickening, her throat swallowing a little convulsively. What was happening to her?
"My lord?" she rasped when she could speak again.
"Oh, to hell with it," he said, his lips crushing onto hers.
At first the kiss felt almost angry, as if his lips were punishing her, robbing her of conscious thought and sense, until all she could do was feel. Every part of her body blazed alive. His tongue ran over her bottom lip, and with surprise, she opened her mouth in a little O, and that was all the invitation he needed. His tongue invaded her mouth, twining with her own, seeking all her secrets. He could not get enough of her, and as the kiss lengthened and deepened, Ellen found herself demanding more of him, her own tongue pressing against his. Taking as much as he was giving. A little noise of possession escaped her as desire caught her in its web.
Ethan's arms around her tightened, and Ellen's own hands began to roam across his chest and shoulders until they linked behind his head. Now she could pull his head forward, bring his mouth even closer to her own, though not a molecule of air could slide between them as it was. But all she knew was that she needed this-this man, this moment. And she could feel the effect she was having on him, for his arousal was beginning to press against her, immense and impatient, and even though a tiny part of her brain knew they should stop this delicious agony, she kept kissing him, and he kept kissing her back.
They were both breathing heavily by the time Ethan lifted his head. Ellen made a grumble of protest, and he searched into her face. Was that satisfaction she saw? Tenderness? It was, for he turned his attention to her neck, and began pressing butterfly kisses along the graceful column of her throat. He sought its hollows, the soft lavender scent of her skin driving him wild with need. All Ellen could do was hold onto him, for she felt so delirious and dizzy she was sure to swoon. Then his hand was moving across her breast bone, then dipping lower, and lower, settling on the fullness of her bosom, then circling its aching peak through the soft lace and silk of her bodice till it pebbled. He switched his attention to her other breast. Ellen moaned and the sound inflamed his ardor even more.

A Duke for Lady Ellen
RomanceLady Ellen--or "Lady Mishap" as she's known--is in her third Season and has yet to find a husband--mostly because she's so clumsy (or unlucky?) that the gentlemen she meets avoid her after one encounter. The Duke of Danbury, however, seems not remo...