After talking quietly with Ellen, where she seemed to be more or less lucid, Dr. Miller pronounced the worst was past. He suggested another day's rest, but His Grace did not need to call him back unless she took a turn for the worse. "My fee is £3 eight and sixpence," he said, holding out his hand for coin.
Cousin James complained about highway robbery, but handed over the money just the same, probably to avoid any dispute which might alert authorities that something unsavory was afoot. The doctor left, then Cousin James sunk down on the edge of Ellen's bed. "So cousin, are you well enough to travel? Dr. Miller thinks you need more time, but you look perfectly well to me."
Ellen moaned and pressed her hands to her cheeks and forehead as if checking to make sure her fever had truly broken. "I don't feel 100 percent myself, but I'm better." It killed her to say it, but she added, "Thank you so much for considering my welfare in allowing me to recover, Cousin. I know you've lost time because of me."
He scanned her up and down and his frown indicated he found her distasteful. "Do what you can to make yourself presentable. We're leaving in an hour."
Ellen nodded. "May we eat some breakfast before we go? After several days with only broth to eat, I'm quite hungry."
Cousin James looked as if he were going to refuse her, but nodded curtly. "I'll wait outside your door. Don't keep me waiting long."
Ellen watched her cousin leave, then she went to the washbasin and poured some water into it, wetting a small hand towel and wiping her face and neck. She knew her hair was a fright, and ran her fingers through it, and rebraided and pinned it as best she could. Then she smoothed down her soiled gown and hoped it would do. She opened the door and went into the hall, and noticed that Cousin James' pistol was not in sight. Better and better.
Darvill joined them, and the three took the stairs and arrived in the dining room, which was mostly full. This was her chance.
"Help! This man is abducting me! He's taken me against my will! I am the Marquess of Eastforth's daughter! My home is in-"
Her cousin's hand slammed into her mouth, and she tasted blood. She started fighting and kicking for all her worth. Meanwhile the inn guests were alarmed, but no one seemed to know how to handle the situation. Three men seemed to move stealthily from the side of the room and edged closer.
"I have a gun!" said Cousin James. "If anyone comes near me I will shoot her."
"And you will hang," said a voice that stirred her blood. "Let her go, Thackerley."
Ellen bit down hard on her cousin's hand and he yelped. "Ethan!"
"You bitch," cried her cousin, jamming his pistol into her side. 'We're leaving and nobody's going to stop us."
A man Ellen didn't recognize jumped Darvill and wrestled him to the ground. And two other men who had been breakfasting, hurtled on top of Darvill and held him steady. But that still left her with her cousin, who was moving at a fast clip through the dining room toward the exit door. Ellen was stumbling, and then she went limp and (fake) swooned. Cousin James, not expecting her to fall, lost his balance and fell on top of her, knocking the wind out of her. The pistol slid out of his hand and skittered across the floor. He tried to shimmy over to retrieve it, but the Earl was too fast for him. He pulled Thackerley roughly to his feet just enough to push him back down in a chair and punched him in the mouth. Meanwhile the Marquess picked up the pistol and pointed it at him.

A Duke for Lady Ellen
RomanceLady Ellen--or "Lady Mishap" as she's known--is in her third Season and has yet to find a husband--mostly because she's so clumsy (or unlucky?) that the gentlemen she meets avoid her after one encounter. The Duke of Danbury, however, seems not remo...