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**Donovan's wolf** but with orange- yellow sunset eyes.


He woke with a smile, stretching his limbs out, enjoying the feeling as they popped. He gave a sigh and looked to his left where his man fixed his hazel coloured eyes on him. Elijah beamed and squealed, lunging at him. Donovan chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his neck and pushed Donovan back. Elijah felt so happy, elated beyond words. Everything was going so well he couldn't help but be happy. Nothing could ruin this moment. He leaned down and kissed his sexy and very naked love.

"Donovan, " he breathed against his lips before kissing him again. The words were at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't, he couldn't get them out. Not yet. He blinked and closed his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Donovan sounded panicked.

"Nothing, " Elijah smiled," Nothing at all." He kissed him again. They laid there for a moment, basking in each other presence. Elijah was ecstatic. He wasn't sure why but he didn't mind.

"You sure are happy," Donovan remarked and placed a soft lingering kiss on Elijah's lips, his eyes flashing with humour and Elijah glared at him as he stood up.

"Don't be a tease, Donovan, it isn't attractive." Donovan laughed and Elijah turned his head away to hide his smile as he walked to the bathroom," Whatever, " he grumbled in playful anger.

The pack house was silent so Elijah moved around and noticed how empty it was. He stood by the kitchen with furrowed brows. He turned as Donovan came down.

"Where is everyone?" Elijah spoke softly.

"Outside. " Donovan said turning to the door. Then he heard the soft murmur of voices. He and Elijah made their way to the door. Elijah crossed his arms over his chest and a grin found its way onto his lips. He couldn't believe it. Everyone was outside, gathered to watch Synthia and her brother. There was a circle drawn into the ground around them. Elijah walked forward and stood by the railing. He supported his body with his hands on the railing of the porch. He watched with Donovan beside him. Synthia had a smirk on her lips as they circled.

"Quite a crowd we have gathered, huh? " she commented as she lookes about the pack.

"Obviously, it is only natural that they watch us." her brother smirked. Elijah was curious, very much intrigued by their actions. He only wondered what they were hoping to achieve with this spectacle. He folded his arms on the rail and waited. The crowd hushed and the siblings circled each other. Elijah felt Donovan lean beside him, their arms touching.

Elijah wanted to join for some reason, he also wanted to participate in their obvious duel. He watched as they smirked and waited, their eyes a faint red. Sebastian lunged at her and she jumped up and over him before kicking him in the butt making her laugh while a growl sounded from the crowd.

"C'mon, Seb, don't pretend to be an amateur. " she taunted," Show me what you've got, " she motioned with her hand for him to come closer. Show off, Elijah thought with a chuckle as they began to fight, hand to hand combat. He watched as they moved with the speed of light, almost to fast to keep up, but he did, surprisingly so. He watched their hands move and then he saw the pattern. He realised her weakness which was in her left leg and arm because she guarded them so well she left her other areas open. He knew it was just training, they were having fun but it was very informative.

He stood up straighter and walked down the stairs. He wanted to join to. He had nothing better to do after all, so why not? He watched until Sebastian was pinned down.

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