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He walked into the pack hospital, which wasn't very big. It had only 8 beds. It was silent and everything was neat and very white. The only things alive were the three bodies, two of which were laying unconscious,the other one in particular was at the window, seeming to be talking to himself.

"Fabio? " Elijah called but he didn't turn, instead there was a laugh, one very feminine and husky.

"Elijah, what took you so long?"  Elijah furrowed his brows as he walked in and the door closed and locked itself behind him, but he didn't flinch. Instead he thought of that voice and the familiarity of it and the shiver that threatened to erupt through his spine because of it as well a haunting scream.

"Who are you? " the voice laughed, coming from Fabio's body but it wasn't his own. He turned to Elijah, who leaned back slightly as he stared at the coal black eyes which fixed on his. This was definitely not Fabio,he concluded. A sickening smile stretched out on its lips.

"Who are you? " the person mimicked while inching closer to him," Who am I? You ask, oh, pity, it's a shame they made you forget even me, Elijah. " Elijah stepped forward, they were then  only two stepped apart.

"What are you talking about exactly?"  Elijah was getting annoyed, if she had something to say, she should say it, not beat around the bush.

"Oh, I forgot, what am I talking about? " She laughed, Elijah knew most definitely that it was a female's voice." You will know soon, my dearest. " Elijah's eyes widened as ice filled his body. That voice, I know that voice. He thought shakily

"Soon, better be now because you are getting on my last nerve."  she simply laughed.

"Oh, so temperamental, still so very temperamental. " Fabio rose his hand to Elijah's cheek then,the touch was soft but it left him with a stinging sensation and Elijah's gasped,pulling away. A laugh left Fabio's body and then like the night the room grew darker, it was basked in a dark black glow and then her laughing voice was fading," Soon, deary, I will have you very soon, " there was a chuckle, sinister and chilling and Elijah felt his eyes water as it brought about the image of a woman with long white hair a blue eyes, lying on the ground,cold as ice,unmoving and unblinking. Then Fabio's body along with the other two dissappeared and then there was light again.

"I tried looking but there was no trace, not even a magical trail, nothing."  Elijah concluded his experience, leaving out the images he saw of his mother lying dead because of the woman who now sought to have his powers. Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded.

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