Chapter 19 | From Hearts Unworthy

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Chapter 19 |From Hearts Unworthy

"How beautiful it is here." Lady Sigyn uttered, letting her eyes finally drop to admire the surrounding woodland. It was calm. Serene. Silent. Auburn leaves danced in one final flight as an autumn gust blew, chilling the warm air around her and the prince.

The leaves were beautiful. Beautiful, but dead. However, Sigyn would sometimes catch sight of an emerald splash amongst a sea of yellow and ginger shrubbery. They were carefully disguised, only unveiled to reassure observers that the forest was not dead, nor dying. But rather transforming for what was to come.

"Very much so." Loki voiced, his eyes too following the vibrant hues of the surrounding forest. "Much warmer than the southern lands you must be accustomed to." He continued, finally bringing his mount to a halt, confident they were now free of prying eyes.

"You know of my home land?" Sigyn questioned, she too bringing her snow-white mare to a stop.

"Is it not part of my job description?" He laughed, soon staring at her blank expression. "How unfortunate." His words now cunning.

"My Prince, I do not jest. Not many find themselves acquainted with the climate of our home."

Gently pressing his heels into the raven steed beneath him, Loki trekked forward to near the young maiden. "I find myself unexplainably devoted to the written word." Only then did Sigyn notice the gentle tone of his voice, watching the light drain from his eyes. "My father believes I waste too much time reading - mother doesn't agree."

"The Queen seems like a very wise individual." Sigyn smiled, noticing his body relaxing once again.

"Just so."

"My mother- god rest her soul, always said that 'Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light'. You must shed a lot of light upon this realm."

"Obviously not enough." Loki sighed, pinching the bridge of nose. Sigyn's brows knitted together, not understanding his meaning. "In the wake of my brother, any light I shed seems to cast a shadow. In the eyes of my father, I am nothing but a burden."

Loki suddenly felt all self-confidence fade from his demeanour. It was true. Loki was always left in the dark in the wake of his brother. Thor was the golden child. Always had been, and Loki - like any child, has spent his entire childhood trying to regain the reassurance that he too was the one centre of his parents affection.

Nestling his feet, he spurred his mount onward. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so open upon such matters. Doing his best to avoid all further conversation, Loki's eyes moved further into the forest. What must Sigyn think of me?

"Loki..." Sigyn's gentle voice arose from behind him. "I am sure that you possess gifts beyond Thor's intelligence and character - just as you have ones that fall short. But that doesn't mean your father considers you a burden. In the eyes of the God's, every life is a gift. Including yours..."

Loki couldn't hide the smirk creeping across his features. She'd warmed his heart. Gripping at the leather reins beneath his fingers, he turned his horse to face her once more.

"Thank you." He said, moving to side directly opposite her. "Your council is of great value to me, Lady Sigyn." Loki continued, moving to take her hands into his own. Her eyes were now a dark shade of sapphire, and he couldn't help notice the slight blush shading her complexion.

"When we encounter a man of rare intellect, perhaps we should be accustomed to ask him what books he reads." said Sigyn, nervously glancing down at their joined hands.

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