Chapter 8

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The silky smoothness of Padmé Amidala's nightgown draped down her body, the fabric bulging ever so faintly around her abdomen, almost mocking her as she stared down at it. Crisp night air wafted through her tresses of hair and lightly stirred the skirt of her gown. She hummed in content, closing her eyes and aimlessly directing her hairbrush through her wavy curls. As much as she tried to clear her mind, her thoughts—in betrayal—strayed back towards the strange young man who had taken ownership of the sofa in the sitting room. She was more than grateful to him for helping her husband, but she couldn't not acknowledge the fact that he seemed to know them much more than he let on. In only the few moments Padmé had spent with him so far, she could only focus on how longingly he looked at both her and Anakin.

The feeling of eyes staring at the back of her head stopped her train of thought, her head turning ever so slightly to catch Anakin, still in his Jedi robes, leaning against the wall of their bedroom and smiling thoughtfully.

"What?" she asked with an affectionate giggle.

Anakin blinked as if surprised to be caught staring before his cheeks burned a bright red, his gloved hand reaching to rub behind his neck. "Nothing. I was just..." he sighed, blue eyes skating towards their bedroom door before focusing once more on his wife. "Every second I was thinking of you. During the Outer Rim sieges. It almost became a torture being away from you. The battles were easy but the longing ...that was unbearable. And now..." he trailed off, stepping forward and sliding his arms around Padmé's petite waist, "Now I don't think I've ever been happier."

They were kissing almost instantly, the background hum of city life numb in their ears. Padmé pulled away first, resting her forehead on Anakin's chest and taking a deep breath. "Ani...I want to have our baby back on Naboo," she looked up at him to watch his expression, hoping to catch a clue of his thoughts, "We could go to the lake country where no one would know. Where we would be safe. All three of us. There's this perfect spot just by the gardens, a home we could live in as a family."

Anakin twirled a strand of Padmé's hair as he soaked in the words, biting his lip and looking anywhere but his wife's eyes.

"I could even go early and fix up the baby's room," said Padmé, eyes glistening at the thought of her homeworld. She missed it dearly, the bustling city life of Coruscant still unfamiliar to her after all her years there.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Anakin finally said, trying not to dwell too hard on the fact that he and Padmé would have completely new lives once their child came into the world. No more Jedi, no more Senate, just them and their baby.

"And maybe even...after everything settles down...I could tell my family about us?" Padmé watched Anakin's brow furrow before she stepped in, "My parents adore you Ani, there's no reason why they wouldn't help us with the baby."

Anakin sighed, tracing his fingers up and down Padmé's arms as he sat in thought. "It's your family, you have every right to tell them what you wish. And I know they would be more than willing to help. I just worry..."


Blue eyes dilated, looking a million miles away. "I don't even know anymore. Everything it seems like."

Padmé's hands instantly found Anakin's shoulders, the tips of her fingers kneading heavily into the weary muscle. Anakin let loose an involuntary sigh, not realizing how tense he was. "Well I wish you would worry less. This war has taken a lot out of us both. It will be a fresh new start once we settle down, find new career paths."

Anakin snorted, "I can see me becoming a mechanic or something, but what about you? You love politics."

Padmé rolled her eyes. "I could go into art."

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