Chapter 18

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Kirei glanced up from her daily poisoning of Luke and rolled her eyes, knowing the stupid Jedi healer would call for her in 3...2...1...


She groaned, administering a higher dose of poison into Skywalker and watching him jerk in unconscious pain. "Coming!" She cried back.

She glared at Luke, his uneven breathing getting fainter and fainter but not stopping. His vital monitor was on high alert, warning her of slow death approaching the patient, but she simply flicked it off.

"Can't you just die already?" She hissed.

Sighing, she gathered her tools and went to see the doctor. When she entered the other room, she was startled to see the Jedi Healer look up at her with a broad smile.

"I found it." He said simply, as if she was supposed to know what it was.

"Found...what, sir?" She asked.

"A cure! I've been scrounging all night long and I finally think I've got the correct match to the poison Starkiller was administered!" The doctor cried with a smile. "I must contact Knight Skywalker. He would want to be the first to know."

Kirei froze, her heart stopping for a brief moment. She looked at the vial of antidote in the doctor's hands and contemplated her options. She could blow her cover and destroy the antidote, but she would also complete her mission of eliminating Skywalker.

Or, she could keep her cover but most likely die at Sidious' hands for failing him.

The idea came at her in a rush and she lightly used the Force to make the vial tip over and shatter to the floor.

The doctor whirled from his comm and gasped. Cursing, he scrambled to the ground, gathering the pieces of glass.

Kirei faked a gasp, trying to look surprised.

The doctor sighed. "It's alright. I made two batches just in case."

That made the spy pause.

She desperately searched the room for such a vial but found none. Panic overwhelmed her as the doctor approached the comm, contacting Knight Skywalker and happily letting him know that they could save Luke.

Kirie swallowed.

'I'm going to die.' She thought with a large helping of fear stabbing her in the gut.


Anakin's commlink beeped frequently but he consistently ignored it, watching his wife pace back and forth with her hand over her swollen belly.

They were back in the medbay again, visiting whenever they could. Luke's condition hadn't gotten any better, only continuously worse, which wasn't a good sign.

However, when they had both gotten the message that an antidote had been was too good to be true.

Of course, the medicine was still being tested, making sure it wouldn't affect Luke badly instead of in a good way. However, Anakin felt impatience welling up in him as Luke's vital monitor continued to beep ominously.

"When are they going to help him!?" Padmé cried, running her hands through her hair in frustration.

"I don't know." Anakin admitted, frustrated himself. He took Luke's hand again, squeezing it to reassure not only himself, but Luke as well, even if the boy didn't feel it while unconscious.

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