Chapter 19

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Palpatine sat as calmly as he could, his plans still raging and Luke Skywalker's blindingly bright Force presence still mocking his every move. He listened to a delegation that a few Senators from the Republic Senate had requested, which included Senators Padmé Amidala, Nee Alavar, Fang Zar, Maledee, and Sweitt Concorkill. Anakin was also present, standing to one side of the Chancellor.

The Sith Lord could sense the impatience radiating from the boy as he itched to run to medbay where Luke was to be released soon.

Sighing with as least frustration as he could muster, Palpatine continued to address the Senators, figuring he could use their presence to his advantage.

"I understand your reservations completely, Senator, and I assure you the appointment of Governors will in no way compete with the duties of the Senate." Palpatine said.

"May I take it then, that there will be no further amendments to the Constitution?" Padmé asked.

Palpatine scowled at the woman, sensing the same bright Force presence that was currently in the medbay, sitting inside her. Hmm...the whole concept of time traveling through the Force was still interesting to the Sith.

Oh but how he urged to kill her right there. It would rid him of her annoying presence in the Senate and her equally annoying son, so desperate to stop the plan that had obviously succeeded the first time around. He smiled at the thought that he had actually won...or would win. All this work would finally pay off.

"I want this terrible conflict to end as much as you do, My Lady, and when it does I guarantee an immediate return to democracy..."

"You are pursuing a diplomatic solution to the war, then." Padmé pressed further.

A ghostly Force grip snaked around her neck but did not tighten. The Senator didn't even know how close to death she actually was.

"You must trust me to do the right things, Senator. That is why I am here." He said tightly.

"But surely..." Fang Zar interrupted.

The Chancellor turned on the other Senator.

"I have said I will do what is right, that should be enough for your . . . committee." He snapped, catching everyone's attention.

Padmé quickly resolved Palpatine's anger with a dismissal. "On behalf of the 'delegation of two thousand,' I thank you, Chancellor."

Palpatine sighed, leaning into his chair. "I thank you for bringing this to my attention, Senator."

He caught Amidala flashing a frustrated look towards her husband right before exiting.

It was a few standard minutes before Palpatine finally spoke to Anakin. "Their sincerity is to be admired, although I sense there is more to their request than they are telling us."

Anakin blinked, his thoughts obviously elsewhere. "What do you mean?"

"They are not to be trusted." Palpatine said simply.

"Surely Senator Amidala can be trusted . . ." Anakin said defensively.

"These are unstable times for the Republic, Anakin. Some see instability as an opportunity. Senator Amidala is hiding something. I can see it in her eyes."

Anakin was very quiet. Then, "I'm sure you're mistaken."

"I'm surprised your Jedi insights are not more sensitive to such things." Palpatine said.

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