7: Renzo- To Be Clear

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advice giving goddess

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advice giving goddess


"NO," MILA REPLIED immediately, getting up from her seat.

"Wait!" I call out. I already knew deep down that she would reject me, but I still had to clear up the air between us. "Please, just hear what I have to say then you can leave. Please."

"Fine," she let out a sigh and dropped into her wooden chair. The atmosphere of the coffee, or book—who the hell even cares at this point—shop was filled with the wafting smell of everything a person like me would live for. Although sitting here made me feel bliss, it didn't take my mind off of the fact that I completely screwed up with this girl.

"First off," I begin straightening my posture. "The rumors about me are untrue."

"I never said anything about rumors," Mila retorted.

"Let me finish, would you?" I chuckle, knowing that she would cut in.

Mila had a smile tug at her lips, but I only caught a glimpse of it before she steeled herself.

"I know that you thought I was an ass the night we met," I said, this time awaiting her response.

"I did," she shrugged. "The fact that you wanted to 'get acquainted' explains why I think you're an ass. It also doesn't help that you said I would be 'crawling' to you."

"Yes," I agree. "It was way out of line and borderline sexual harassment. I sincerely apologize for my actions that night. I swear. I wasn't in the right mindset at the time and I completely regret it."

"I thought you were going to explain, not apologize." Mila raised an eyebrow at me.

"This was me just beginning," I smile. "My explanation for that night was that I was drunk because I had just found out that my little brother had left home again. I was looking for a distraction and I thought someone else would probably want the same thing as me, which was to forget, but I saw you and I couldn't help myself."

"So you're saying that you bumped into me on purpose?" Mila asked.

"No," I laugh, running my fingers through my hair. "Fletcher noticed me ogling you and pushed me to you."

"I see," she said. "But what's wrong with your brother leaving?"

"He just turned seventeen, but the problem is that he left my aunt, who is an ex-addict."

"Oh god," Mila put her hand on her mouth.

"Yeah," I sighed, really wishing that I had a cup of coffee in front of me.

"But if you had found out that he left, why weren't you with your aunt? That doesn't excuse you from the fact that you were at a party while your aunt was alone, probably feeling the urge to take something."

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