29: Renzo- Exculpate

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to take the blame

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to take the blame


SETH LOOKED AT me angrily as he sat down on the wobbliest stool in the studio—as if I told him to sit on that one specifically. Fletcher followed behind him and decided to lean against a nearby table instead. 

"Where's Mike?" Seth asked Fletcher, while completely ignoring my presence. Seconds later, Mike came in and opted to sit next to Seth, but on a different sturdier stool.

"So could someone explain why we decided to meet on campus?" Fletcher said, he looked tired and in dire need of sleep. "We could've met at someone's place rather than come to the school's art studio."

"That's because Enzo over here has been avoiding us," Seth glared at me, taking out his phone.

"That's not true you guys," I set down my paintbrush, not before making note of the empty canvas. "Things have been weird and I just wanted some time to myself."

"Shut up Enzo," Seth looked up from his phone. "You want to explain what happened to them or should I?"

"What?" Mike finally spoke. "What did you do?"

I felt myself unable to reply, feeling ashamed of what I did.

"Based on his silence, I'll talk for him." Seth stood up and placed his phone face up on the table Fletcher was leaning against and started to read out loud. "Make sure to tell Enzo how much of an ass he is for breaking Mila's heart. She feels like shit and I hope Enzo does too."

"Interesting," Mike looked over Seth's shoulder and then sat back down. "So you really fucked up I see."

"Enzo," Fletcher gave Mike a look. "Explain your side of the story and don't interrupt him Seth."

"Mila told me she loved me," I sighed, bowing my head still unable to believe she told me.

"Why the fuck are you sighing?" Fletcher burst out laughing. "You've been in love with her for three years, you got the girl Enzo."

"She knows about the bet," I said my eyes met Seth's and he looked away guiltily. "I walked away from her because of that."

"Just apologize and get her back then," Mike shrugged. "If she loves you, she'll forgive you."

"I don't want to be forgiven," I look outside the window. "The bet was demeaning and it can't be justified by the fact that I love her."

They all stay quiet, waiting for me to explain.

"It's toxic and just because I 'got' her doesn't change the fact I only accepted the bet because I thought she was unattainable. It made me think as if she was some prize and not a person with feelings. It's fucked up on all levels and her love for me shouldn't condone what I did."

"Enzo," Fletcher came up to me. "Dude, you got it all wrong. Yeah, she became interested in you because you have this 'bad boy' persona, but I know you meant well."

"Stop defending me!" I yell. "For fuck's sake! I don't know how to feel right now and you saying I have that kind of reputation doesn't make it any better. Bad boys don't exist, they're just a fucking trope for people to rationalize shitty behavior! What I did was wrong and you guys are failing to see that this sort of behavior is exactly what pompous narcissists do! I'm afraid that this will only get worse and I might actually become a shitty person."

"Enzo, man." Seth clutched my arms, I was panting and felt my anger slowly dissipate. He pulled me into a hug. "Hey, it's okay calm down. You're okay right now. You are one of the best people I know, nothing will change that. Everyone makes mistakes, but most don't own up to them like you're doing right now."

I thanked God that nobody but us four were in the room because it felt as if the walls were closing in on me as I tried to clear my head.

"It's my fault for making that bet." Seth patted my back. 

"It's my fault for accepting it." I mumbled, pulling way from him.

"Then it's our fault for letting you go through with it," Mike frowned. "We should've also been mature about it and not let it go this far."

"You're right Enzo," Fletcher exhaled. "This shouldn't be defended. I was trying to protect you and I failed to see past my judgement. Although I'll support you no matter what, you're right. Guys who think they can act like that without any consequences are pieces of shit. But I do want you to know that you're not an entitled asshole who takes advantage of people because the way you're reacting now shows to all of us how much you care about her."

"I want you to know that we're here for you and if you decide to truly break things off with Mila, we won't question it. You're a good person Enzo. Another guy wouldn't have done what you did, you're not what people make you out to be, you are your own person and I really respect you for that." Seth started playing with the edges of a canvas, but his words were carefully chosen and articulated.

"Thanks," I say, not knowing what else to add.

"I still think you should talk to her though," Mike gripped the edge of his seat as he sat up straighter. "You may not want to be with her, but you still need to communicate your feelings."

"I think I want to wait," I took a deep breath. "I don't know how to face her."

"That's okay," Fletcher gave me a comforting look. "These things take time."

"In the meantime, let's hang out like we used to." Seth grinned. "I have something to tell you guys anyway."

"What is it?" I ask, starting to pack up my stuff.

"Those texts were from Ellie," Seth looked at us sheepishly.

"Mila's best friend, Ellie?" I raise my eyebrow, already guessing where he was going with this.

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck.

"So," Fletcher looked amused. "Will you tell us or not?"

"We kissed last week," Seth responded. "I really like her, but she won't date me since I started the bet."

"Shit that sucks," I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh fuck off," Seth pushes me, but I catch a glimpse of his smile.

"You two are terrible with girls," Mike clapped us both on the back. "Alright, let's go to that club I've been wanting to go to. You guys can't say no."

"Fine," I smiled, seeing there was nothing wrong with that plan since classes were over for the day. "Let's go."

We were dressed "appropriately" based on Fletcher's standards so we decided to go straight to the club.

"I'll be the designated driver," I said as we walked in, feeling the music's vibration.

The guys cheered as we approached the bar. We were sitting for twenty minutes and it was then I saw Mila coming out of the VIP lounge looking disheveled. Seth noticed my line of sight and whispered in my ear, "Go to her, I'll watch after these guys."

From the corner of my eye I see Mike and Fletcher having a drinking competition. 

"Alright," I got up and started to walk towards her, feeling more and more worried as I got closer.

Mila was looking around frantically and when she spotted me, she ran towards me and hugged me tightly. 

"Enzo," I felt my shirt become wet. I try to pull away and take a look at her face, but she clings to me even more. "He's here Enzo."

"Who?" I grab her shoulders, noticing the small bruises on her arms. 


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