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          My father returns home promptly at 8:25 pm. Eli left around an hour ago, and I've been sitting at the kitchen table reading, awaiting the familiar sound of the key in the lock, only this time I'm already inside the door.

He gives me a small smile when he walks in. "Hey, Pen," he says. "How was your day?"

After Eli had gone, I'd showered, washing away any traces of my former mad. "It was okay."

He holds a manila envelope, the kind that closes with string. I have seen seven identical envelopes to this one in my lifetime, so I know what information it holds.

"Where to next?" I ask and set my book down atop the table.

Dad pulls out a chair and takes a seat across from me. His aura is bright. Because of this, I can only be wary.

"Iowa," he says, the small smile now growing into a regular one. "Right next door."

Great. Because I've grown so fond of corn fields in my brief stay in Nebraska. "Another small town, I presume?"

He can hear the distaste coating my words. "Come on. It worked out kind of well for you here."

I raise a brow, thinking of feeling gray at the prom, seeing Gray at the reservation and falling out of the tree, hearing and feeling Gray just a few hours ago inside my very own home. "How so, exactly?"

He gives me a knowing look. "You made some friends, didn't you?"

The way he says the word "friends" makes it seem like he's putting more meaning into it than is necessary. "Yeah, friends I'm gonna lose in two weeks."

"That's the other thing," he says, his expression contemplative, his aura carnation pink and hopeful. "I talked to Brody, and he agreed to make arrangements so that you and Eli can still remain in contact. Iowa's right next door."

I cannot hide my surprise, but I do hide my excitement. "Oh?"

"As long as you don't tell him who you are," Dad explains, "it shouldn't be a problem."

My face drains of its color and my muscles stiffen and my father notices, his aura going a skeptical teal. "...Unless you already have," he says slowly, "in which case, that changes some things."

"No," I lie quickly, but then I clear my throat and start over. "No, I haven't. Still Alyssa."

I can't tell if he believes me or not, but if he doesn't, he plays pretend for the sake of my happiness, and I love him for it.

"Good. We drive out immediately after graduation's over."

I nod even though my stomach sinks at the thought. I'd asked him to wait until graduation, and he's doing exactly that for me. Not a minute sooner, not a minute later. So I can't complain. He's left me no time to.

He taps the envelope with the tip of his index finger. "So. You wanna know your new name?"

"Hit me."

He unwinds the string carefully, maddeningly slowly, until the envelope opens. He pulls out two birth certificates, and with a tilt of the envelope, two Iowa drivers licenses slide out atop them. He picks up the one with my face on it and hands it to me across the table. I lean forward to take it.

"Avery James," I read aloud as I look upon the photo of Avery who looks very much identical to Aspen. "And yours?"

"Dawson James," he answers, his eyes set on his own identification card.

I slide the card back to him. In a few minutes he will put it back in the envelope, string the envelope shut, and lock it inside the safe in his closet which only he has the key to until it is time to go.

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