Chapter 2

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Elleag POV

As Mr. Davis continues to ramble on about the boring novel we're supposed to be reading, I draw random things in the margin of my book.

I hear a faint tapping coming from Luemas' desk.

I ignore it and continue to draw. He continues and even louder so I look over to see what he's doing.

I am slightly taken a back to see that he was already looking at me.

"Um... Do you need something?" I ask hesitantly.

He bites his lips. His soft pink, full lips...

"ELLE???" He practically yells at me

"What? What's going on?" I panic as I look around the room, only to find everyone staring back at us.

I catch Yazmin wiggling her eyebrows back at me, referring to Lou.

I blush, wondering if he noticed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the love fest but can you please get back to work and never interrupt my class again!" Mr. Davis yells as he glares at us. "Am I understood?"

"Yes sir..." I quietly reply.

"Yeah." Lou says.

Glancing at the clock, I realize that we only had 5 more minutes of class.

"Finally..." I whisper to myself.

"Ok, so the homework for the weekend is to make a poster that you think represents everything that the novel is about. You will need a partner to work on this with so I'm giving you guys a chance to choose your own partners. The projects are due Monday." Mr. Davis announces.

I look up and my eyes meet with Yazmin's. We grin at each other, mentally agreeing to be partners.

Luemas POV

After Mr. Davis' announcement I decide to ask Elleag to be my partner, so that I can actually get to know her. I can't keep secretly crushing on her. I mean who knows? Maybe she'll actually consider me like that.

I get up from my seat and casually put on my bookbag and stand by Elle's desk, taking a deep breath to build courage.

She glances at me as she packs up her books. Her sharp blue eyes destroying any little courage I built up.

"So... you know the project Mr. Davis gave us?" I ask pathetically.

"Yeah, what about it?" She asks as she gets up and starts walking toward her friends.

I walk beside her and ask "Do you want to be my partner?"

She stops for a second and looks at me.

I run my hands through my hair as I wait on her answer.

She starts giggling then replies, "Great joke dude!" as she playfully punches my arm.

"What do you mean? I was just asking to be partners." I hesitantly respond.

She stops laughing and stares at me for what felt like 10 minutes.

"I already have a partner anyway..." she finally admits.

Then she walks away and joins her waiting friends.

I sigh. Well, at least I can say I tried.

As soon as I start walking to my next class, Brielle walks up to me.

"Hey Lou, do you have a partner for the project yet?" Brielle asks.

I shake my head.

"Will you be mine then?" She squeals.

I mentally roll my eyes, but agree to myself that she is smart so she'd help me get a good grade.

"Sure." I say.

"Great, so my house or yours?"

"You can come to mine tomorrow around 2 and bring some supplies for the poster." I tell her.

"Ok cool. See you then!!" She grins, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I force a smile and wait for her to let go.

What Could Have Been | ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ