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"So, we've already wasted a month and we haven't done a single thing on the list, Álvaro."

I was lying on her bed looking up at the ceiling. Sighing, I made a half-assed attempt at lifting my head up to look at her, but I soon went back to just staring above me. She was spinning around on her chair by the desk, tapping a pen against it and flapping a notebook in the air.

"Are you even listening to me?" I laughed, lifting myself up on my elbows and sticking my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes, throwing the notebook across the room so that it landed right beside me. It was very small, it could fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. I opened it to the page that was marked with a small piece of red ribbon, and started reading the checklist she'd messily scribbled on the page.

"So, you want to go skydiving? Cliché. I thought you were better than that, Caro," I shook my head in mock disappointment, and she took a pen and threw it in my direction. Unlike the notebook though, she missed, hitting instead a small stuffed cow that lay on one of the shelves. "Hey! What did that cow ever do to you?"

"Shut up," she stood up, walking over towards me and snatching the notebook from my hands. "You said you'd help me complete this."

"Thing is, my dear Carolina, I can't possibly imagine a way to take you skydiving, and I can't possibly imagine your parents giving you permission to go-"


I raised my index finger before she could keep protesting. "You didn't let me finish."

"Fine, go on then."

"As I was saying, perhaps I can't help you jump off a plane, but I can invite you to a very competitive game of Wii Sports Resort, which as you know, has a skydiving game," I gave her a sheepish smile which she returned with a stony glare. After a while, she sighed, probably realising that I was right, and that Wii Sports Resort was probably the best option, as well as the closest she'd get to skydiving.

Defeated, she took the pen she'd thrown at me and crossed skydiving off the list. I stood up and walked out into the living room of her family's house, setting up the console. She plopped down onto the couch, taking a remote with her and playing aimlessly with a loose string from her shirt.

Sighing, I spoke up. "Hey, why the long face? I bet there's a ton of other things we can do on your list."

Her remote suddenly lit up as I turned on the Wii, and she smirked.

"Yeah, beating your ass at Wii is the second one."


Feedback is greatly appreciated!

(Also forgot to mention that the story will mostly be from Álvaro's point of view, but I might include letters and diary entries from Carolina as well. Those chapters will be in italics, like the last one.)

Los amo y adoro


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