[4] I gotta find you.

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Songs for the chapter :

 I gotta find you, by Joe Jonas (Camp Rock, so old I know !)

One thing, by One Direction

Finn's POV

10 AM...A few days later (you need to say it with the accent like in Sponge Bob)...

I spent the night thinking about Emma and the way could meet her again. I went over several scenarios, some of them were really REALLY crazy ! But, I finally came up with the idea of going in every bookstore to try to find her. There were 12 different bookstores and I had already been in 9 but I had NOTHING. Saying that I was getting hopeless would be an understatement. Maybe I wasn't in the good Street, I don't remember. I was thinking about giving up but I wanted, no I needed to find her so she will stop haunting my mind.


I was in a Bookshop called "The Word Factory", and was looking for the owner. It was not really big but there was a lot of shelves. I walked through the store and finally saw an old man with tons of novels in his hands. He was really tall, seemed to be around 70 years old. He noticed me and nodded his head smiling. "Hello son, I'm Ed, the owner of the library. Can I help you ?" He asked. "Hum, yeah actually I was wondering if... Well.. I met this girl and she works in a bookstore but I don't where it is. So I searched everywhere.. So I wanted to ask you if you had hired someone last week?" I answered, I didn't know what else to say. "Let me guess.. Not really tall, skinny body, dark hair and... Blue eyes ??" Ed asked, smirking. "Yes that's Emma ! Does she work here?" I exclaimed. "Yes she does kiddo ! But she's not here today and I cannot reveal anything personal about her, like an address, you understand ?" "Yes I do understand, it's okay. But thank you for helping me mister !" I said shaking his hand and grinning. I had finally found where she worked !! "Kids those days, they seriously don't know how to impress girls ! Anyways, I'm glad I could help! Hope you'll see your princess very soon. Goodbye son !" He waved at me. This guy must be pretty fun to work with. "I hope so ! Thanks , have a nice day !" I waved back. As I got out of the store I raised my fist in victory with a big grin on my face. I wanted to jump up and down to show my joy but I stayed put in this position like an idiot. I had FINALLY found her. Well, not really her but... I just had to come there another day and hope that she would be working on that day.

After that amazing morning, I decided to go back home. Theo and I live in Brooklyn and like I was in Manhattan, the trip was going to last at least half an hour. But fortunately, I had brung my penny board with me. I took some pictures of the Street Art and of some random buildings of the city. And in a few minutes, I had already arrived home.


"She had such beautiful eyes! I really hope to see her again, like very very soon, but now that I precisely know where she works, well I can go there and talk to her.. Ya' know ?" I explained to Theo. My eyes were on the TV screen (we were playing video games) but I still could see the smirk he had on his face when he said "Woah it doesn't sound creepy at all ! If I was that chick I would absolutely NOT trust you ! I mean, you could be some pedophile and... Anyways ! You ready to go back to university ?" "Well yeah I guess. I mean, it's our second year here so we don't really have the choice !" I answered with a sad smile. I remembered how my parents were so disappointed about me repeating my first year in uni. "You're right! This time I promise to work and focus in class and not to focus on girls." He said, putting his hand on his heart. "Yes of course! That's what you say EVERYTIME mate ! Studies before ladies you said !... Never happened !" I exclaimed, chuckling. Theo playfully hit me on the shoulder. "Oh come on bro ! Last year I left that Kaitlyn girl to study for my exams !" He said, putting his hands up in defense. "Yeah yeah that's what YOU say. I say that SHE broke up with you. But... I'm just sayin' bro." I replied. It was now my turn to smirk.

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