Chapter 17

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Ben growls as he harshly ends the call, his finger viciously tapping the screen. I almost flinch at his anger or the anger that's about to come.

"How the fuck has he got away with this for so long?" He shouts, tossing his phone onto the desk.

I don't bother to follow him around the room, instead I go to the system and type in the name of my last pack, the one that my dad was the alpha of. I'm praying that this gives us some information on his family, information that we may not have needed to look at before now.

As my eyes scan the screen like my life depends on it, I'm at a loss. How can I look for something that I don't even know what I'm looking for? It says it here in black and white, his mom is Annie and his dad is Collin, so who are these messages off?

The number doesn't even exist anymore, like the person knew that we'd be looking at the phone and at the information on it. Ben joins me, his hands holding onto the high back of the leather desk chair.

"What are you looking at?" He asks.

I point to the screen "I was looking at the information on the old pack, trying to maybe find something but there's nothing."

He sighs in frustration. "They gave out very little information. What I don't understand is how you had a vision if he wasn't related to them"

I purse my lips "I'm not sure either, it's doesn't really make sense to me."

I fumble with my fingers, trying to think of a reason why I'd see Will's next move if he's not got the same DNA as him. "There must have been something in there that triggered it, a piece of DNA, anything." I turn the chair around to face him. "Are you sure that he's left this pack?"

He nods, adamant. "I smell no rogue wolf in this pack, no one's detected smelling one and more than anything, you've not been made aware of one."

I sigh, standing in frustration and making my way to the French doors. As I look out, I wonder where he is and what he's doing now. There has to be something in that house that pushes my visions to him without me even being there. There must be a clue that we're missing but I don't know what.

Ben kisses my shoulder lightly, sparking some happiness inside me. "I know that this is hard but you can't let it get in the way of being happy."

I shrug "I can't be happy if I'm going to be the cause of peoples deaths soon."

He turns me to face him, his face looking angry "You are not going to be the cause of anyone's death. We'll sort this, together and as a pack because we're all family now."

There's a knock on the door and we turn as Ben calls them in. Jace and Jeff walk in, their faces pale white. "We heard that you've had the results."

Ben sighs, putting his arm around my waist. "They're not his parents."

Jeff's hands go to his hips, much like Ben's before "Little fucker." He cusses in a hiss.

Jace steps forward "So, what now?"

Ben shrugs "Now, we think of a plan, we-"

I interrupt Ben "I go back to the house, there has to be something in there that linked me to him and I want to know what"

Ben turns, his face telling me before his mouth does that he thinks this is a bad idea. I brace myself for it, but it never comes. "Okay. We'll clear the guys out with what they're doing right now and we'll go."

"Make sure that they stay around the house as guard, son" Jeff says, thinking of our safety first.

This may not be the best idea that we've had and it may not even get us anywhere, but it's worth trying much like everything else that we've done since Will made his first move on me. I'm trying to wrack my brain for any piece of information that I may have missed but I realise that it could be causing me to miss something that's so obvious.

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