Chapter 2: Ten Years Later

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June 24, 2025; 0956 HRS

Erie County Sheriffs Office; New York

"Morning Rokette." Chief Barnes, the Chief of Police, spoke in a gleeful tone. I looked up from the paperwork I was writing down on. "Good morning Sir, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine... and how's your arm?"

"Painful, but I'm not letting that keep me from my job." I answered, determined to write down the last paragraph. 

"Get back to work, I guess. Margia and Shayer would've covered that paperwork for you, you know."

"I know. It's my work though, I can't do that to them."

"Stubborn." He shook his head. "You're going straight home afterwards."

"Fine." I sighed and finished jotting down the details of the arrest two weeks ago.

June 9, 2025; 2224 HRS

Outside Waysmont Diner: Jetstream, New York

"E-23, do you copy?" buzzed the police radio. E- 23 was my code. I picked up the walkie-talkie. "Copy. Go ahead."  A fuzz sounded through the radio after spoke into it. "Suspicious characters with firearms at Sulu Bank. Back-up needed." It sounded. Turning on the ignition, I sped down the road, sirens blazing. When I got to Sulu Corps, I parked about fifteen feet from the scene. I would've parked farther away, but there was construction behind me and I wanted to get to the scene fast. The building towered into the sky like a titan. It went nearly 100 floors up and it was in the middle of our big city. Sulu Corps. is the biggest banking corporation in the entire U.S., and this building was the heart of it.

The radio buzzed, "Suspects have opened fire. Repeat, suspects have opened fire.". "10-4." I said as bullets started to pierce my windshield. I cursed myself for coming to close to the scene. Hurriedly, I tried to unbuckle the seat belt and open the door. The second I started climbing out, a force knocked me to my left and onto the concrete parking lot. "Rokette! Are you alright?" called out Officer Shayer. I barely heard Officer Margia call a '10-24' -trouble send help- through her walkie-talkie. 

"I'm hit!" I looked at my right arm, feeling the red hot blood drip from it. Reaching into my car, I pulled out the rag that I used to clear my windshield on dewy mornings. Considering the bullets, I didn't really have a car anymore. Shayer dodged from car to car, avoiding the aim of a gun, and coming in my direction while I tried, with no effect, to get the rag around my now useless right arm. 

 "Help me out here, please." I asked, giving up. He had finally made it over by my car. Shayer tied the fabric around my arm above the freshly penetrated wound. "Are you good?" he asked. "I can still shoot with my other arm, I'm fine!" He backed away and rang two shots out at the suspects. I ducked by the back tire, holding my pistol in my left hand. Reaching around the back of my car, I shot at one of the suspects. 

"How many suspects? Any inside with hostages?" I asked Officer Shayer. "We only know of the three that are here outside." I nodded and shot at the same suspect, this time, hitting his leg. I really don't like shooting people, but they bring it on themselves. "How many down so far?" I asked. Shayer looked at me "You got the last one. I'll head towards them with Margia, just in case they might still be armed." He lifted his pistol. "Stay here." He said. "Alright." I nodded, feeling a little bitter that I couldn't help out. "Just remember, if there's one, there's another."

Suddenly, I realized how quiet the place was without the sound of gun shots everywhere. The busy street behind us even seemed quiet. It was serene compared to a gun's deafening roar. 

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