Chapter 20: As A Team

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August 14; 1826 HRS

Lockside Prison

I backed up out of fear, holding my Naginata against him, as Chief gradually stepped closer and closer. We had to be only a few yards apart, he was practically touching the blade now. The world looked as if it was painted black, clouds covered every patch the sky could be seen through, the rooftop lights mysteriously went out, and the thunder and lightening stopped like it was never even there. I felt the air conditioner bump against my legs. Oh no, I just endangered Syth. I swallowed the lump in my throat and starting moving to my left, trying to keep as much distance between Chief and everyone else as possible. I had no way of knowing where the others were, my senses jumbled up and confused. 

A bolt of lightening suddenly sliced through the dark silence, illuminating the entire Earth. Thunder rolled deeply, like a drum waiting for a grand finale. The rooftop lights' electricity returned to them. There was one thing different.

The low drum roll of the thunder turned to a tidal wave of sound, blasting my ears. Right in front of me, a few feet away, stood an armor clad woman, a cape flowing behind her. Spear in her right, shield in her left. Her crested helmet looked like something the ancient Spartans would wear. An owl emblem was sewn over her right shoulder. She had her spear held threateningly towards Chief, she held her shield in front of her. Exactly like an outdated Greek fighting strategy. 

Chief's threatening glare turned to that of a whimpering puppy as she stood before him. As quickly as he appeared, he left. Loosening up, the woman turned to face me. "Athena?" I stuttered. "Wha-... way to make a dramatic entrance." 

She gave me a quick smile but it faded out. "Where are the others?" she asked. I raced over to Syth as Ben and Thomas popped up from their cover and started walking over. I slowly brought Syth back to others, helping her stand. "Syth!" Ben and Thomas both gasped as she limped painfully, holding her stomach. 

"Lay her down." Athena ordered. I listened and helped Syth lay back. "Ugh, I wish I could go back in time to prevent this." I muttered under my breath. "You really shouldn't." Athena looked to me. She gestured Ben to come over and use his healing factor on Syth. As Ben did that, she pulled me aside. 

"You don't change the past because you're unhappy with a choice you've made." Athena said. "But, this choice hurt her. What if I end up being the cause of all their deaths." I protested. 

"Don't 'what if' yourself. They make decisions just as you do. It's not your fault the mission had failed. You're a team, you do things as a team, and you make your choices as a team. There is no leader, there is no mascot. Just four life-long friends looking out for each other." she conveyed. I let her words sink in and we turned back to Syth.

"It still hurts." she complained. "I did the best I could." Ben tried to explain. Athena budged in, "He's still new to his powers, as the rest of you are. I don't want to hear another word of it."

"Okay, so... You come here dressed in ancient Greek clothing... Why, exactly?" I had my theories, but I wanted to hear it from her mouth. 

"I told you before. There's still much I need to tell you about." she started, then digressed. "Do any of you have a place we can stay? At least a few miles out of town."

"Our parents are staying in Manhattan for a while, on the other side of the state." suggested Ben. 

"Perfect." Athena clapped, picking up her spear and shield from the ground. 

"I'd better call them and let them know all of us are coming over. I'm not sure they'd like so much company in so little time with so little room." I said, taking out my phone. "You still have that old thing?" Thomas asked. "You got a problem with that?" I answered with a question. He just shook his head and I went back to calling Mom and Dad. 

"Hello?" asked a voice from the receiving end. 

"Dad. Hey, how are ya?"

"What's the problem?" he huffed, groggily. Must've been napping.

"We ran into a bit of trouble. We'll be over as soon as possible. There's five of us, sir. Can you give me the address of where you're staying?" I tried to explain without giving him too much.

"Why are three people that aren't my kids coming here?" he growled. 

"Like I said, we ran into trouble and they have nowhere else to go, but with Ben and I. I'm really sorry for doing this to you so early, sir."

"Fine, the address is 8907 Amarrow Boulevard, the room number is 2B. But, I'm not setting up any beds for them. There's blankets in the closet and a pull-out couch.  You can do that and you better do it quietly." he ordered. 

"Yes, sir." I commented. 

I heard Dad slump back to bed and click the phone off. I nodded to them, signaling we were in the clear. "How are we going to get there when none of us knows the area?" Syth asked. I let my head fall into my hands, I hadn't thought of that. 

"I've got that covered." Athena announced, handing an odd little gadget to Ben. "This is a GPS. I meant to give it too you along with the suit. It'll help you teleport whenever and wherever you want."

"Wait, before we go. Syth, was there anybody in the prison when you checked it out?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "No. Too many corpses to count." she hung her head sadly.

"Crypt is in for a world of pain." I whispered softly, rage hinting in my voice.

Sirens started to buzz in the distance. 

"We have to get out of here soon, before other officials start to arrive. We don't need to be accused of any of this." Athena urged. I nodded and punched the address into Ben's gadget.

Ben strapped the device along his wrist and we held onto each others' shoulders in a circle. I heard squad cars' sirens go off in the distance as we huddled quietly. Then, all went silent, except for the simple chirping of a cricket. 


HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! This was... kinda gloomy. On the upside, I did add some humor. I hope this chapter is better to you than I think it is. I tried. I don't know how to make it better.



BenefactorsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang