Chapter 7: Two Serums

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August 2, 2025: 1404 HRS

Main Room of Underground Facility

I stared admiringly at the hologram. Turning to Chief I asked "We're getting superpowers?!" Chief nodded, a slight smile flashing across his face. "Chief, are you getting superpowers too?" I asked looking at the fourth figure. "No, but you're going to love it when you figure out who is." He answered.

"Who's going to get what powers?" I asked. "Well," Chief began "we've been studying you three since the idea was introduced." Chief Barnes looked at the screen. "Wait, why us?" Thomas interrupted. "Because you three are the most interactive, and youngest, group of partners we have." He said. "Who's the fourth person then?" I asked.

"Why don't you see for yourselves?" Chief pressed a button and almost immediately, footsteps sounded down the stairs behind us. We all turned around the see who it was. I'd never have guessed that it was going to be my brother, Ben Rocket. He was wearing a replica of his old assassin costume that we made when we were younger. I had begun my love for super heroes at the time, we named it Renaissance. "Why are you wearing that, Ben?"

"Nice to see you too, Natasha." He said, pulling of the mask. "We're going to be super heroes, why not wear a suit." I turned to Chief, "When'd he get here?" I asked, pointing at my brother. Noah chuckled lightly "6 months ago, we needed a new engineer. Ben signed up for it."

"That makes sense.But... are you sure we even need powers? Cool as the idea sounds, I just don't get why you would even consider giving it to us."

"Natasha, Horkos captured every other officer we have and every civilian that he could find. We have to rescue them somehow, this seems like the only solution. The other branches and the military can't get through the perimeter Crypt set up. Horkos has mutants on his side. We need a force that's strong enough to cut through his lines. Your four are our only chance, I won't be much help. I'm too old for this kind of thing. I've talked to Syth, Thomas, and Ben about this. They're all in for the greater good. How about it, Natasha?" Chief looked at me like I was only thing standing between war and peace. 

"I'm going to have some fun out of this." I looked at him, a small smile spreading across my face. 


1434 HRS

Crypt Base; Laboratory

Horkos prowled the halls outside the laboratory. "Well, how much longer? Let me in!" He growled through the thick, titanium door. He rolled his eyes back and started his cat-like pace once more. Pain shot his head, like a bullet. He bellowed out a roar so deep that it shook the subterranean cavern. His pupils grew, nearly covering all the white in his eyes, but shrunk back down to normal. 

Chiron, the head physician, poked his upper half out the door. "Horkos, come in." he said in a stern voice. Horkos grabbed at his head as an attempt to soothe the massive headache and followed Chiron through the door. "Chiron, I need medicine now." Horkos demanded in a tone with some respect. Chiron took out a syringe and filled it with the antidote. "You should've come to me on the scheduled days, now you've put everyone in danger. Do you remember what happened last time the Omnesium took over your brain?" Chiron glared at him as he cleared a part of Horkos' arm for the procedure. 

"All I remember is the aftershock, what became of you, Chiron. I feel as if you deserved it anyway." he growled. "Besides, I had to take care of Noah and establish the plan in Jetstream City. Our General is taking care of the rescue as we speak." Chiron slowly inserted the syringe into Horkos' arm. 

"Horkos, I may have deserved it but, it only puts everyone else in twice the danger. Even if I'm less dangerous as a mutated horse than an insane gorilla such as yourself, I can still make an end of people. The centaur trotted away to clean the syringe. "You know, as well as I do, that we were both once men." Horkos said. "I'm no man anymore." Chiron responded.

"How long until the omnesium mixed with the mind control serum takes to Noah?" Horkos asked. 

Chiron laughed and said. "You mean the Cerebral Reaction?" He paused. "Chief Barnes doesn't have much time left for humanity. As soon as the serum takes place in his mind, he'll have no choice but to listen to the voices in his head."

HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! Hey guys, just so you know. Horkos and Chiron were both mutated in the past. 


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