Chapter 26: Walk Alone

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August 16; 0337 HRS

Manhattan, New York

I grabbed the note on the table left by Hypnos. Darn greek myths. Why'd they have to be real after all this time? I checked the address and slipped it in my bag, zipped it up, and threw it over my shoulders. Everything I could've possibly needed was packed in my bag; food, clothes, you name it. I then strapped my suit on and grabbed my Naginata that I had hidden under the couch. I grabbed a random paper from the table and scribbled a note onto it. They should at least know where I am and why, right? I knew I had to go now, because if I stayed, I'd overthink it. Then, I could end up putting everything at risk. They know where we are anyway, there's no telling what could happen if I don't go. 

As I opened the door, I looked behind me. They were all here, they never gave up on me. Even in my most intolerable moments. We all had our downsides, but I feel like mine causes the most trouble. I wish I knew what they thought, I wish I could understand their mindset. All I know is me, an angry yet silly fluff of confusion. "We'll take 'em down." I whispered and closed the door behind me. 

Apparently, the location was somewhere in the Appalachians of Binghamton, New York. Which means, I had to super-speed if I wanted to find it in less than two hours. How was I supposed to find it in the middle of the dense environment. I tapped the address, 6015 Lasinine Boulevard, Binghamton, into the GPS on my phone. It logged the area and showed me the direction I needed to take. I took a deep breath and ran out of the apartment complex.


Keeping my concentration was the most difficult part of this. I had to focus, focus on one thing. Find the Crypt location I was given by Hypnos. There was just so much to worry about.

I had at least an hour and a half before I had to give myself up. I had plenty of time to think about my next move and I could pull myself together. I didn't know the area well enough to conceal myself effectively. I stopped running and found myself on the lining of a brook in a forest. The idea of coming alone bothered me. What did Horkos want with me?

I couldn't go back. Risking the others waking up might end up with me putting them at a risk. Besides, when they wake up, they'll have hopefully found the note I left. My best bet is if Cronos got to contact the others from his planet like he said he would. It was weird to think we weren't alone in the universe after all this time. Athena, Cronos, and then Crypt basically worshipped them. 

I laid against a small pine tree and looked at the wilderness around me. I saw a deer yearling with her mother shuffling for acorns and seeds on the other side of the brook. I laid my head back for a few moments. A stomping sound came a bit away from me. I opened my eyes to see something way out of the ordinary.

 Now, on my side of the brook was a humanoid deer thing. It's antlers went unnaturally straight up into the air, pointed like icicles at the ends. It stood like a person, but, it still looked mostly like a deer, other than the fact that it's arms swung at it's sides unnaturally. 

"Holy sh--" I muttered. It turned it's head in my direction. I stood up, grabbing my items, and just ran. That thing was frickin creepy. What if it was a daemon? I shrugged, not wanting an answer. With all the greek legends being aliens, it wouldn't necessarily surprise me. I stopped after a second or two. Ugh, I wonder where I am now. 

I looked around me and found nothing but a run down neighborhood. A run over fence was enough to tell me it wasn't a nice place. I wandered around the street, staying alert for a potential criminal. A street light was busted here and there. Tire tracks marked the sidewalk in front of me. I didn't like the feeling I got here. 

A blood curdling scream came from in front of me. "Help!" A woman screamed. I shivered, my heart beating outside my chest. I approached carefully, hiding behind a fence just to be cautious. Screaming isn't exactly a situation I left myself in the open for. I neared closer to where the scream came from and stayed in the shadows. A rustle sounded on the other side of the street.

"Please." came a whispering cry, now only a few feet away. A woman was in the middle of the street, blood was crawling inches away from her. She seemed to weak to have made that scream. Then again, the injury to her side looked to be very bad. "I'm gonna help you" I mumbled. I neared closer to her. She looked at me with horror stricken across her face. "You'll be alright, ma'am. I'll get you out of here." I told her and picked her up off the concrete. Her blood trickled down my arm, making number one of the most unpleasant feelings I've ever had. She held her hand up slightly, pointing to the left of us. I looked in that direction, that must've been the way her attacker went. "Try not to move too much, we'll be at a hospital soon. Don't close your eyes on me." I said and she nodded. "This may seem a little odd, but you're gonna have to go with me on this." I continued, unsure of how she'd react to super-speed. Thankfully, I had my suit and mask on. She wouldn't be able to describe me and figure out who I was. 

I zipped through the city, trying to find the hospital and eventually I did in a matter of seconds.  "Excuse me!" I yelled as I ran into the hospital at a normal, frantic pace. "Help!" I yelled again. The lady closed her eyes when she entered the brightly lit room. She seemed weaker. "I need you to wake up ma'am." I shook her awake, having trouble holding her in my arms. I wasn't exactly strong. She was shaking badly by now. A team of doctors and nurses came up to me with a stretcher. "She's lost a lot of blood." I told them as we placed her on the stretcher and they wheeled her away. "Would you like a change of clothes?" a nurse asked me. I looked down and saw my suit now matted with blood. I shook my head, "I can clean it up." I said, suddenly feeling grossed out as I felt the now cold, bloodied clothes lap against my skin. I asked the direction to the bathroom and she signaled for me to follow with a doubtful look and I did. 


"What's with the weird suit?" A blonde male asked me. He wore a black and blue police uniform. I had the mask, gloves, watches, and utility belt off, but managed to get the blood out of the suit before it stained with warm water and soap. Who'd want to see an officer's reaction to someone claiming they had powers?

"Jogging suit." I replied, trying not to stretch too far from the truth.

"And you have no relations to Ms. Rose?" the officer asked.  "No, sir." I answered. "I can take you to the crime scene, if I can remember. It was on a pretty dark street, not too friendly."

"The closest road like that is Lasinine Boulevard. 'Bout a mile out. We'll check it out, thanks for your help." He pressed the pause on his recorder.  I nodded, my eyes widening slightly at the discovery, "Mind if I go with you to check it out? I might be able to help. I'm a police officer as well." I stated. The officer nodded, "Sure, you check out. Here's your ID back, by the way." He smiled and handed me my ID. "You can have a lift in my car." 

I followed him to the parking lot, where his police car was parked. He took his radio and said "Hey, this is Officer Dash Spencer. We've gotta a 10-12. I'm gonna check out Lasinine Boulevard." The radio static sounded a few seconds before a voice came from the other side "10-4, Spencer." 

The drive back took about five minutes. I was anticipating every second, it just seemed to tick by so slowly. I guess that's what super-speed does to you. I loved this power, I was able to think quicker, act quicker, and there seemed to be enough time to do what I needed to. Although, a thought nagged me on the ride there. What if Horkos' forces were leading me there? I mean come on. The deer, the lady. What if they hurt her just to show I was on the right path to them? Maybe, I was just being paranoid.


HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! Hey sorry this one kind of dragged on. Oh well, what's done is done. Life goes on. ANYWAY, Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to write the next one. Let's see what happens. (May add bonus chapters to show the pov's of the rest of the team and whomever else. I don't know yet.)



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