Miniminter #1 - Surprise!

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Your P.O.V

It's been four weeks since the boys left for America. They were going for a much needed break, as well as meet-ups. They were desperate for you to go with them, but you reluctantly declined, you simply couldn't afford it, and you thought that it would be nice to have the Sidemen house to yourself for a change. 

Boy were you wrong.

You had never felt so lost. They are your family, your everything. They mean the world to you, and you mean the world to them. You missed the late night screams, the top banter, the sound of laughter that was almost constant. But there was one thing you missed above anything.


It surprised you how painful it was to be away from him for so long. All you wanted was to feel his arms around you. To feel his breath on your neck, as he whispered to you that everything would be alright, the way he always did when he knew you were stressed. His gorgeous smile, his time stopping eyes, just having that lanky lovable giant around made you feel so much more safe and secure. You wished he felt the same about you, but you knew that he didn't. You just weren't his type at all. You often thought you saw the odd glance, or the odd smile, the kind that were saved especially for that special someone, but you brushed it off as your hopes becoming the better of you. 

Luckily, they were coming home tomorrow, and you couldn't be happier. You were skipping around the house, making sure everything was perfect and clean for their arrival, with the full knowledge that they would trash it all again in a matter of minutes. 

You were stopped in your tracks when you heard your phone ring from the kitchen. You jogged over to it, and felt instant flutters in your stomach when you saw the caller ID. MintyMinter<3

Simon's P.O.V

The guys and I were gathered around my phone, which was set in the middle of the table in my hotel room. I had the phone on speaker, so everyone could hear, but made sure everyone kept quite, so (Y/N) wouldn't catch on, and realise we were pranking them. After two and a half rings, they picked up.

"HEY BITCH!" (Y/N) Shouted down the phone. Everyone was smiling, we all missed them dreadfully. Just hearing their voice made me feel a thousand times happier.
"Haha, hey fucker! Listen (Y/N) we're gonna be staying for another week, we'll probably be getting back late Friday-ish." God I felt guilty doing this, but then I remembered why I was doing this, and any doubts left my mind.
"....another week?! Why?! Did you miss your flight or something?" the disappointment in their voice was so clear, it made me want to hug them and whisper to them, like I always did.
"No, we just wanted to stay for a while longer, we're loving it out here!" 
"Oh, right, okay. Well, thanks for letting me know, and ugh, have fun!" It was obvious they were trying not to sound hurt.

"Alright see you then, bye!"

I looked to the guys, who were frowning in guilt and pity. Vikk had his hand over his heart. "God I feel awful now." he said, everyone mumbled an agreement.
"I do too, but imagine how hyped they'll be when we surprise them!" I chimed. This seem to lift everyone's spirits. We all went to our rooms, gathered our luggage and headed to the airport.

*Time skip to when the arrive home because trololol*

 Your P.O.V

You'd been sitting at the island in the kitchen for at least half an hour, just staring at your phone. You hadn't realised it but you'd been silently crying. Annoyed at yourself for being so stupid, you got up and decided to take a rest. You were laying on your bed, staring at your ceiling, lost in empty thought, when you notice lights move past your window, coupled with the sound of car wheels on gravel. You sat up in confusion and looked out of your window. There were two cabs stopping outside the house. No. It couldn't be, could it?!

You leapt off your bed and sprinted down the stairs, nearly falling as you skipping the bottom two steps. You flung open the door, and stood there, staring. 

The guys were getting out their luggage, but looked over when they heared you, and grinned. But Simon, was already half way up the drive, standing there staring at you with a grin from ear to ear. Without a second thought, you ran over to him. As you got closer, he bent down and spread his arms wide. You leapt into them, and you both laughed uncontrollably as he span you around, his grip firm around your waist. When he finally set your down, you stayed in that position, until you felt more arms and warm bodies crowd around you. 

"GROUP HUG!! YEAH!" The unmistakable voice of JJ. You couldn't hold it anymore, you cried with happiness, your tears soaking Simons shirt. 

"I-I missed you guys, s-so much." You stuttered out, your cheeks burning from embarrassment. After the sound of affectionate laughs from the guys, they moved away, leaving you and Simon alone together. You looked up to him and saw that he had tears in him eyes.
"Simon, are you crying?"
"...mmmaybe! I just really missed you alright? Look (Y/N) there's something I really need to say." He pulled away and took your hands in his. You tensed in anticipation. 
"This time away from you, made me realise that not only do I hate being away from you, but I literally can't stand it! Everyday I was thinking of you, thinking how I just wanted you there with me. Just being in your presence makes me so much happier. You are beyond incredible, and I regret not doing this sooner. (Y/N) will you go out with me?" 
You stared at him, startled. In your mind you were screaming but for some reason the muscles in your face refused to work. You saw disappointment slowly crawl over his face, as he stared back at you, waiting for your reply.
"YES!" You suddenly blurted out, making him jump. You jumped into his arms and you both laughed in unison. You heard cheers from the house, and looked around to see the guys standing at the door clapping. You laughed and rested your head against Simon's chest, as you both rocked back and forth, locked in each others embrace.

A/N: I hope you liked this one! It didn't take me long to write, so it's probably really shite, but oh well. 

Please send me request, or just comment feedback, letting me know how I can improve.

Thanks for reading, and bye, YA CREEPS! :3 x

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