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Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the new updates. I'm writing this just to address a couple of things about the way I write and such. It was brought up by my friend, not any of my readers, but if you do have any concerns about any of these points, or anything else for that matter, please let me know. I want to make sure not to offend and cater to everyone.

1) I use the pronouns him/he etc. for the Sidemen because that's what they use. If they were to say otherwise, I would change that immediately, but they've always used those pronouns therefore that is what I use. 
2) I am aware that they all have said to be heterosexual, however, I write these stories for you, not for them, and I want to cater to all genders and sexualities. Being pansexual and non-binary myself, I understand how sometimes it can be frustrating when there isn't anything that's catered to you out there. 
3) If you are homophobic, genderphobic (don't know if that's the right word but fuck it) racist, in other words just a generally a close-minded asshole, then please do me a favour, and either keep it to yourself, or fuck right off (recommended.) If I ever see any horrible comments on my or my friends, or anyone's work for that matter, I will take no time in going off on one and making sure you are not welcome back to this site. I say this not because I have experienced it in my comments, luckily I have some pretty awesome fans, but my friend had a racist comment on one of his stories, and we got them off right away. I will not tolerate any form of hate. 

SO, on a lighter note! Always remember that I take requests, and criticism. My next update will be a Tobi imagine, my first one! So thanks you alls, and has gud days :3

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