Chapter 30

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Within seconds, security had cleared out the party, and Aden hauled me out the doors, accompanied by an entourage of guards. Déjà vu hit me as flashes of the mess hall disaster went through my mind. Only this time the patrons were much calmer and evacuating the area as if it was a drill.

"What happened?" Rook barked, coming alongside us.

"Someone tried to poison her," Aden said, looking at me. "Who gave you the drink?"

"Dezyre," I replied. "But she seemed... off, like she wasn't quite herself. I don't know how to explain it, but it was weird."

"I'm going to see if I can round her up," Aden said. "Rook, look after her for me?"

"Sure thing."

Aden gave me a grim smile before breaking off from the group and circling back around. "Where are we going?" I asked Rook.

"To Aden's place. The base will go into lockdown, but we think it's best to move you in case the killer's still here."

"Do you really think Dezyre was trying to kill me?" Despite the fact she was definitely jealous and hated my guts, I didn't think she was so desperately in love with Aden as to stoop to murder.

Rook shook his head. "No. I don't think so, anyway. She's always been a bit... dramatic and difficult to deal with sometimes, but she's not that stupid. She has too much going for her to jeopardize her career like that."

To hear them speak of it, Dezyre must be able to work medical miracles. But if she hadn't poisoned the drink, then who had?

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen Paris tonight. Maybe she had found out I'd run away and decided to take me out. Either way, death had come for me twice now, and I had somehow evaded it.

All because of Aden. He saved my life again.

Maybe he did actually care about me. Or perhaps he had saved me because I was too valuable a pawn to lose.

Either way, I may have outwitted death multiple times, but how long could I really outrun it?


We waited at Aden's place, all huddled together in the living room with a mess of guards outside. The entire apartment had been decorated for Christmas, though considering the circumstances, it felt anything but cheerful. I sat beside the Christmas tree, and the light from it caught the sequin in my dress, casting little red balls of light around the room. Over an hour and a half passed before Aden finally arrived.

"Well?" Rook asked, standing. "What did you find out?"

Aden sighed hard, his face troubled. "When we questioned Dezyre, she didn't seem to remember ever talking to Sloane. Paris tested the liquid and found it had been glamoured."

"Wait," I said. "You can glamour an object?"

Aden nodded. "Yes, if you're powerful enough. But I don't know of any vampires who possess that much control over glamour to pull off such a feat." He looked at me. "Except for you," he added quietly.

I blinked. "Then who was it? I certainly didn't try to kill myself."

"I don't know," Aden said, growling. "But I'm pretty sure Dezyre is innocent. Paris suspects she had been glamoured by whoever gave her the glass."

"No one saw anything?" Rook asked.

"No," Aden replied. "I thoroughly questioned every witness. They all say they didn't notice anyone suspicious, although one girl said she saw Dezyre go into the bathroom carrying a drink and that she was in there for a long time. When she came out, she went straight to you." He pointed to me, and I frowned.

The Scarlet Dagger (The Red Sector Chronicles, #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt