I'm Going To Be A Dad

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★★Chapter 10★★

"I'm Going To Be A Dad"

Mason P.O.V (Alex Dad)

I carry Emily to my room and place her to my bed. I didn't have that strength because of this curse that I have.

I want to break this curse I don't want this anymore I feel so weaker everyday I can't do anything anymore. I went back to look for more witch to help me with this curse but none didn't work on me I hate it.

Ever since my wife Mary die I love her so much. she was the mother of my children I miss her allot. ever since the human kills her I hate them.

But I feel so bad for Emily it was my fault. I treat her very bad I know she nice and sweet. I feel like mary never left my side I know I have a feeling she tells me to move on. I will find that person who sends the human to kill my wife I will kill them.

Maybe I should be nice to Emily and I will tired to get my family back too. I know it going to be hard. for alex, I know he will never forgive me what I did to Emily I didn't want to. But I promise I will fix this.

Emma came in "Master I call the doctor he on his way" Emma said I looked at her

"Please call my son Alex and john to come they need to be here" I said I can tell she was in shocked when I told her Emma nod and left

Emily started to wake up

"Where Am'I? Why Am'I here? I don't know your name? "Emily said

"Called me Mason Emily please forgive me I never want to hurt you I'm very sorry" I said I know she will never forgive me I know I hurt her ready bad

"I forgive you Mason" Emily said I was shocked she forgive me I was very happy I thank her she smiles at me I smile back at her

"Um, can you go to Alex room and get a cup I left in the table" Emily said I nod left the room and went Alex room, saw the cup. that Emily told me I got it and went back, saw the doctor got there

"Don't worry master mason I will see what wrong with lady emily? "Doctor Garza said he told me to wait outside of the door. before I opened the door Emily told me that the drink was for me that hopefully it will work and maybe it can help me break the curse I nod, closed the door behind me

How did she know about the curse? maybe Alex told her but I didn't know what she put on the drink she told me it can break the curse so I start to drink

It tastes a little bit of blood taste so good I finish it and saw both my son's coming but they didn't look that happy they came where I was

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?? IF I FOUND OUT YOU HURT HER AGAIN. YOU WILL PAY FATHER FOR HURTING HER" Alex said I was going to said something but Emma came in

"Master Alex put down your father you hurting him he didn't hurt Emily. I was there when Emily faint she almost fell down on the floor but your father got her "Emma said thank god Emma was there. I was going to tell Alex he will not believe me he let go of me

"I'm sorry father when Emma called me I thought you hurt her again where is she?"Alex said I told him she was in my room the doctor was there with her. Emma went to talk to Alex alone to tell him what happened?

John and I alone he does looks like his mother. I remember Mary had her blue eyes and her brown hair, he has the same as his mother

"What wrong dad?" john said he was the only son that I called "Dad" not like Alex called me "Father" but I got used to it

"Oh nothing just worried about Emily that all?"I said he was shocked I never cared for anyone until now I do care

"Wait for you..... dad you never did care for anyone. I remember you hurt Emily really bad but now you care for her. wow Am'I shocked dad now you care for her what made you change your mind?" john said

"That maybe I should stop hating on human and I should move on" I said but I paused everything from my body start to hurt. maybe it was working I start to look at my skin and it was looking more younger and my hair it was turning black I fell to the floor

"Dad are you alright? your curse is finally broken but how? you told me no one couldn't help you. you kinda look like Alex dad" john said I was happy to thank you Emily for break my curse

"It's was all thanks to Emily for the drink she gave me now I feel stronger I can't wait to see Alex and Emily and thank emily "I said Alex and Emma came. Alex look clam but I think he forgot how I look before

"Father is that you?" Alex said I nod

"My Emily spell worked and broke your curse you should be nice to Emily. after all, she cares for you and all of us" Alex said I was going to said something but the doctor came in

"Doctor, how's emily is she alright?" Alex said doctor Garza smile at him

"She fine I think you should go and see her she is waiting for you" doctor Garza said Alex nod john, Emma, and I went in the room she looked so happy

"Are you alright my love?" Alex said he was hugging her she smiles

"yes I'm alright Alex you going to be a dad I thought I was eating allot "emily said I can see how my son love this women

"Your not fat emily it just a baby bump that my child is growing inside of you" Alex said Emily going to be the mother of his child I'm going to be a grandpa

"I'm going to be a dad" Alex said

"Um who are you if you don't mind asking?" Emily said oh yeah I forgot

"It's me mason lady emily "I said she was happy that the spell has broken I wonder how she got the spell but I only know there was a powerful witch that my wife Mary knew she was her best friend before she dies. they said she was murder by someone unknown

I don't know but I have this bad feeling that something will come.


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