I Will Bring My Emily Back!

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·····Chapter 15·····

"I Will Bring My Emily Back!"

°°·°·°·Alex POV°·°·°·°

I was trying to mind link Emma but nothing. I'm getting worried I hope nothing bad happens to my Emily or Emma is like a sister to me.

I called John to go to the house something wasn't right. john and I got there the doors were broken.

"Emily, Emma where are you?" I called but nothing I check everywhere but nothing. I was about to call Emily again. but then john and I saw emma laying on the floor blood cover her body.

"Emma...Emma please said something?" I said

Emma kind opens her eyes a little. I told John I was going to call the doctor john pick up emma. She already lost a lot of blood.

"Master.....Alex please safe.........Lady.......Emily.....I know.....I promise to protect....Lady....Em"I stop her before she continues. John take emma to her room put emma on her bed. the doctor came in and told me, john to wait outside of the room.

I looked at john "Emily is not here they took her but who? if I was here she will be here with me. I told her I was going to protect her but I fail to protect my emily and our kid's" I said john look at me

"Don't say that. you are going to protect her and your kid's hey don't worried we are going to find her. I need to show you something before the doctor tell us how's emma, maybe emma can tell us who took lady emily?" John said I just nod I need my emily in my arms and protect her nobody will hurt her or touch her.

I follow John we went to my room and my emily. I look at the doors they were claws torn the door and John point he's finger in the wall and I read it.

"YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR TAKING MY EMILY AWAY FROM ME, SHE BELONG WITH ME" the wall read the person who wrote on it. it was with there clawing it was very deep that you can see the other room

I was getting so angry that my other side wants to come out. I saw in the mirror my eyes were turning into black. I can fill my anger rising. all of them will pay for taking my emily from me. they had no right to take my future wife

John pam my back to calm me down. I can see my brother was worried about me

"Hey you need to calm down. little brother, I don't want to have to worry about you too. don't worry brother I promise we are going to find lady emily and bring her back to you little brother" John said

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN THEY TOOK MY EMILY. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS? WHO TOOK HER? WHEN I FOUND OUT WHO DID THIS. THEY WILL ALL PAY" I said I can feel this other side of me it want to do so much damage whoever in front of me

"CAME DOWN ALEX right now it not the time to argue with you. we have to wait until emma it alright. if lady emily was here what do you think? Alex tell me" John said I look at him he's right. if my beautiful emily was here she will be scared of me.

"You right. What will she think about me what happened to the person she knew, we have to wait when emma feeling better?" I said john nod

I called five of my servet to go fix the broken front door and to clean the blood of emma etc...they fix my door upstairs and to fix the wall. when I get my emily back it will look like nothing ever happen in our house.

°·°·°·ONE Hour Later°·°·°·°·°

The doctor came out of the room where emma was.

"Doctor how emma is she going to be alright?" John said he always worry for Emma so much. sometimes I wonder if my big brother has a crush on her. but maybe later I will ask. The only thing I was more worried was my emily please be safe. I will find you.

"She already lost a lot of blood and I had to bring 4 blood bag to put on her system. she going to be fine just let her rest she awake just take it easy on her" doctor said John and I nod

"Okay thank you for your help doctor" I said he bow to us

"Let's go in I need to know where I can find my Emily" I said john nod we entered the room I saw emma she started to cry

"I'm sorry Master Alex I made a promise to you but I fail you. please forgive me it was my fault I had this bad feeling but I ignore it. lady emily would have been here with us but they took her ....."emma said

"It alright emma I forgive you. it was not your fault emma I want you to remember what happen?" I said emma look at me and nod emma was trying to remember what happened?

"They were Werewolf I did try to stop them but I didn't know there was another one right beside me and he bite me in my stomach. he was the alpha he was bigger than the other werewolf. he went upstairs where lady emily was. he broke the doors he came back but he came to his human form he had lady emily in his arms he looks so happy with lady emily in his arms. the alpha saw me he want to kill me but then he told me he will let me live. but to give you a message" emma said

I look at emma she was starting to skate but I can see her anger and sadness. I understand her she did everything she could to protect my emily. the only thing I know was an alpha and his pack that took my emily I will bring her back

"What kind of message did he told you to tell me?"I said


·················Author Notes··············

Hey everyone thank you for reading my story hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!







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