Everyone Welcome My Wife Emily

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Chapter 20

"Everyone Welcome My Wife Emily

°°°Alex POV°°°

"Woah, you do smell like a werewolf. this is so awesome" John said I smiled

"Yeah I know tonight I have a feeling I will have my Emily back in arm again. I'm sure she here" I said

"Yes I can't wait to see her again it feels like its been years. I haven't seen lady Emily. I can't wait to tell her everything that happened. I got married to the love of my life and I'm having a baby soon" Emma said she was smiling at john. right next to by my brother. soon I will have my Emily closer to me. I will not give up until I have her in my arms again.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you brother?" john said

"yeah I'm the sure brother I want you to stay with your wife now that she is pregnant too. I don't want anything to happen to your wife or your baby because of me" I said he was about to say something but he nod

"So when is this party going to start brother?" john said I went to my pocket got out my iPhone 10 checked what time it was. it was about to be 10 p.m.

"It's going to start at around 10 o'clock. well brother I have to get ready for the party I will see you later" I said he nodded

"Alright brother be careful over there. call me if anything goes wrong?" john said I went upstairs to my room and took a shower, got a towel. I opened the door to my room. went to my closet to get my suit. I can scene Alpha mike is here now I use my vampire speed

"Hello Alex are you ready? my man is already over there at the party" Alpha mike said I nod we both got into our cars I followed him

··10 Mins Later··

We got there I guess everyone is here now "Alright Alex everyone knows that you are my backup beta your name is Marco okay" Alpha mike said

"Alright, anything else?" I said he was about to say something

"Hello everyone I'm Alpha Damien thank you for coming. I know everyone wants to meet my mate. Everyone Welcome My Wife Emily" Alpha Damien everyone was clapping and smiling. I didn't say anything until I was looking up when I saw my Emily walking she was smiling. thank god I finally found my Emily. I was about to go get my Emily. Alpha mike grab my arm got near my ear

"Alex clam down you going to ruin the plan and the party" Alpha mike said I just nod I can't believe it I found my Emily she was here all this time

"Thank you, everyone, for coming, my name is Emily I hope I can meet everyone" emily said everyone starts to clapped she was with that Damien. he will pay for taking my Emily from me.

"Alex clam down you know what the plan you have to wait until she is alone. Come let's go meet them" Alpha mike said I followed alpha mike where I was getting close to my Emily

"Hello Alpha Damien and luna Emily are nice to finally meet you both. I'm Alpha Mike and this is my beta Marco" Alpha mike said we both bow to them my Emily smile she so beautiful and her belly is getting bigger our baby's. don't worry my Emily I'm here now

"Hello Alpha mike and beta Marco nice to meet you too" emily said what it like she doesn't even remember me? what going on I do not understand.  

"Hello Alpha mike and beta Marco I hope you enjoy the party now can you please excuse us" Alpha Damien said we both bow again they both left

I want to get my Emily but soon I will have her in my arms again

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