Chapter 9 - Night Out

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The next two days were weird, to say the least. It was like we were back to square one, with John barely saying two words to me at all. I didn't understand what could possibly be going on in his head.

I didn't get much spare time to really think about it though; between chores and lessons, as well as a best friend that wanted my attention, things were pretty busy for me. Maisy was lugging me and her step-sister – one of her bridesmaids – to Dallas for a girls' night, which would include a meeting with the caterer tomorrow morning to finalize everything for the wedding three Saturdays from now.

While I was looking forward to getting away from the ranch for just over 24 hours, I still felt like a protective mama leaving her baby alone for the first time.

"Thanks so much for doin' this," I smiled, hugging my uncle briefly. "I'll have my cell on me the whole time so you can call if there's anythin'... I've got a list on the desk in the stables of the things that'll need to be done... and you remember John? He used to work for dad... anyway, he'll be around... I'll be home tomorrow afternoon at the latest... Oh! I need to show you Juno... she's our pregnant rescue... You'll need to exercise her and she has a special mix to add to her feed... John probably won't forget, he's been good with her, but–"

"Carly," my uncle chuckled. He put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"Yeah," I replied, looking around the kitchen, trying to think of anything else I might be forgetting.

"I'll be fine," he told me easily.

"Okay, I know, sorry... I just don't usually do this over-night thing," I laughed, embarrassed.

When Maisy sent me a text to tell me she was leaving her place in fifteen minutes to pick me up, I started to panic a little. I brought down my overnight bag and left it near the doorway, then proceeded outside to find John and make sure he was going to be fine until tomorrow too.

I didn't find him outside the barn and he wasn't with the horses so I tried his loft, knocking briefly on the hatch.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Hi, can I come up?" I asked, opening the hatch and popping my head inside.

"Sure," he replied with a shrug.

I climbed the rest of the way into the loft and pulled myself into a standing position, looking around. His bed was unmade but otherwise the place looked tidy... a lot tidier than my bedroom ever was, that's for sure.

"Aren't you supposed to be headin' off soon?" he asked.

"Yeah, Maisy should be here in about half an hour," I answered, my gaze darting back to his tall frame, wondering if being around him would ever get easier. "Um... I uh... wanted to make sure you were okay before I left," I added a little awkwardly.

For a second I was afraid John would go on the defensive again and start snapping at me, but he didn't.

"Everything'll be fine, go have fun," he reassured me.

"Yeah, you're sure? You can raid the fridge if you get hungry... there's some leftover lasagna you can heat up... I don't know how much you're into cookin' or anythin'... But yeah, other than that... just business as usual..." I shrugged. "Oh! You remember Juno–"

"Exercise, special feed... Carly, relax, I got this; it'll be fine, you're only gone a day," John chuckled.

"I know... my uncle said the same thing. I'm bein' so anal," I laughed.

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