Chapter 33 - Ringing in the New Year

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"You're bein' awfully quiet... even for you," I said on the drive home, tearing my gaze away from the road to look at him.

John glanced over at me and let his lips form into a grin, but I could tell by his demeanor that something was up. He was restless: fidgeting with his hat or drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.

"I'm recoverin' from all that food we've been eatin' these last two days," he said with a playful smirk. "Unlike you, I ain't eatin' for two," he chuckled.

The rest of the holiday season leading up to New Year's Eve was pretty quiet. John and I went to Dallas on the 27th to do a bit of baby shopping, although the majority of our purchases wouldn't be done until the gender reveal at the end of January during my 17-week ultrasound. Maisy and Darryl came to the ranch for dinner on the 29th, but beyond that we got to hang out just the two of us.

On New Year's Eve, I spent most of the morning looking for my phone. I could've sworn I left it on the coffee table in the living room, but apparently not.

"Have you seen my phone?" I asked John, popping my head in the kitchen.

"On the counter," he gestured.

"Oh," I bit down on my lower lip. "Did you put it there?" I asked.

"I haven't touched it," he shrugged.

Half an hour later I got a text from Maisy demanding me go out shopping with her to buy a dress for the party at Buck's Tavern later.

"Seriously," I sighed when I told John about my plans for the afternoon. "She waits until today to ask me this? The party is at eight tonight! Knowing her, we'll wind up all the way in Dallas 'cause she can't find anythin' here that she likes," I chuckled.

"It'll be fun," John drawled.

"You come with us then, if you think it'll be so fun," I smirked.

"Oh I can't," John said quickly, giving me a not-so-apologetic look as he swept in to kiss me briefly. "We've got some horses that need feedin' and stalls that need muckin'... so..." he shrugged.

There was something oddly suspicious about the smile on his face but I didn't question it, leaving him to his chores and going back upstairs to get ready to go into town with Maisy.

I was glad I went. I ended up finding a really nice dress for the party that would end up fitting me despite my growing baby bump, something I couldn't say for most of my wardrobe now. Maisy managed to find a dress too, although she took her goddamn time to do so. It was five when she decided she was ready to head home, so she drove me back to the ranch. I didn't miss the dorky smile on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothin', I'm just excited for tonight," Maisy grinned.

"Okay," I laughed.

She pulled into the driveway and gave me a quick hug.

"Have fun," she smirked.

"Don't you wanna come in or somethin'?" I asked.

"Nope," she answered, smacking her lips on the last syllable.

I was so confused.

"Okay then, I'll see you at Buck's?" I asked.

"Yeah you will," she grinned, hugged me again and ushered me out of her car like she couldn't get rid of me fast enough.

When I made my way into the house I was surprised to find all of the lights were off. I immediately assumed John was still out with the horses, but I could smell a mixture of something really delicious coming from the kitchen, so I made my way over there instead.

"Oh my God John, what did you do?" I giggled when I walked into the room.

There were candles everywhere. The table was beautifully set with my mama's best silverware and a bouquet of red roses helped pull the look together in the center. Rose petals were all over the floor and I had to look down at my feet to make sure I wasn't stepping on any of them.

John walked over to me and took me by the hand, tugging me towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tipped my chin up to greet his mouth with mine, kissing him long and slow, my fingers burying in his hair.

"This is really somethin'," I smiled.

"You're really somethin'," he replied.

I wanted to help him finish dinner but he insisted I sit down and relax, since I was walking around the mall all afternoon and I'd be up most of the night partying later too, and apparently pregnant women were too fragile to do all of that and make dinner too. He'd cooked for me, something that wasn't too uncommon, but still very appreciated. He was an excellent cook and the chicken recipe he made us tonight was absolutely mouth-watering.

We talked about everything and nothing at all, enjoying this moment of calm before the storm, which would be happening as soon as we walked into Buck's, where most of the twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings from Ennis would be present to ring in the New Year.

When our plates were clean and our stomachs stuffed, I leaned back in my seat and watched him.

"This was really amazin', thank you," I smiled at him.

He didn't reply right away; actually, I wasn't even sure he'd heard me at all.

"So uh... I was plannin' on doin' this later tonight... but you know me and crowds... I would've likely fucked it all up..." he began, looking a little nervous... actually, more like really nervous. "So I hope you don't mind this isn't real fancy... no flash mob or anythin'..." he chuckled. I watched him stand up and round the table so that he was standing in front of me, and in that moment I realized what he was going to do.

Oh my God.

Fireworks erupted in my belly and happy tears started streaming down my face.

He got down on one knee, his eyes never leaving mine as he pulled out a velvet box from his pocket.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

I didn't have to think twice about it. This man was the love of my life and I couldn't see myself being anything else but his wife. My heart slammed against my ribcage as the tears continued to fall, my mouth hurting with just how much I was smiling.

"Yes," I whispered.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking almost surprised.

"Of course, yes! Yes, John I'll marry you!" I giggled through my tears, launching myself at his neck and kissing him. We were both kneeling on the floor when he took my left hand in his and slid the ring on my finger.

It fit perfectly.

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