Chapter 17 - Deep Waters

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The first week of September was insufferably hot, with temperatures easily hitting the high nineties. Keeping the horses cool and hydrated became our main focus, but that didn't mean our usual chores didn't have to get done too.

I was in my office or in the stables most of the day, with two fans blowing in my face and a mini fridge stocked with icy cold water bottles, but John wasn't nearly as lucky. He was working in the scalding heat from sun up 'til sun down, and since he wasn't the kind of guy to take breaks without someone twisting his arm, I had to make sure he stayed cool and hydrated too.

It was almost three o'clock when I spotted him a couple of yards away, his back turned to me. I leaned against the wooden door of the stables and admired the view. He'd discarded his shirt since the last time I'd seen him, his torso baked by the sun and his hard muscles glistening with sweat. His jeans hung low on his hips and his white cowboy hat hid most of his face.

Daringly I inserted two fingers in my mouth and let out a wolf-whistle that would make my cousin Dale proud.

John's head whipped around and a slow grin appeared on his face.

"Enjoyin' the view?" he called,

"Take a break! Come here!" I called back.

He sauntered towards me, that easy grin still on his face. I smiled at him as he closed the distance, stopping right in front of me. He stood with his booted feet parted shoulder-width and his thumbs hooked in the belt loops of his jeans. He was trying to be sexy, in that goofy way of his, but it totally worked. God, it worked. I looked up into his dark eyes, adjusting his hat so that I could get a better look at his face.

"What's up boss?" he drawled.

I licked my lips; between the heat and his close proximity, my brain was complete mush. "Here, drink up," I said, remembering the water bottle I'd brought with me. I handed it to him.

"Thanks," he said gratefully, taking a generous swig. "Not gonna lie, I was tempted to hang out in the horse trough for a while there; it's way too damn hot to function," he chuckled, leaning against the wall next to me.

I reached for his hand and tugged him into the shade of the stables.

"You're done for today, I've got an idea," I told him with a playful smile.

"I've got another three hours' of work left to do, I can't just–" he began with a chuckle, but I wasn't listening and he gave up halfway through his sentence.

Still holding onto his hand, I spun around and led him into the office so that I could close my computer, the radio I was listening to and the fans. I also needed to rid my desk of the paperwork I really didn't feel like doing right now.

He watched me silently, a grin toying on his lips as I dashed around the room in my flowery sundress, my curls dancing along with me.

"You're givin' me a heatstroke watchin' you move around so much," he commented.

I smiled at him as I pulled my hair up in a messy bun, fanning myself a little.

"Do you wanna go swimmin'?" I asked him. "If we go about half a mile down the trail I use for trail rides with my kids there's this lake my friends and I used to go to when I was younger... Anyway, it's a nice spot. We could go... bring some marshmallows and make a whole evenin' out of it," I added excitedly.

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