Chapter 4:

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This is longer :P hope u like


Then i realised i had Demi's concert tonight. How could i forget?! I only had 30 minutes to get ready. I quickly cleaned up my arm. My scars still very visible. I tried to cover them with make up, i couldn't they were to fresh.

So I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of orange short shorts a pink tank and a blue hoodie, it wasn't hot out. I put them on grabbed my phone, tickets, purse and shoes i ran downstairs to see Tom waiting at the door for me.


Tom dropped me of at the arena and kissed me goodbye. I walked slowly to the gates gave them my ticket and entered.

*20 minutes later*

Demi came out on stage and i almost crapped my pants like she's right there! I was in the second row so i was really close. As she sang all us Lovatics sang along. It was so crazy!

Demi sang her last song 'Warrior' and as she sang i shed a few tears. Her voice is so beautiful and even more magnificent live. The lyrics to that song mean so much to me, i can relate to almost every word.

*5 minutes later*

The show had finished, i went backstage and showed the security guys my M§G pass, they let me through. I was the last person in the line to meet Demi. I was Happy about that it meanst i'd be the last person she sees therefore i'll be the one she remembers.

Two more people then i will meet my idol, I will meet meet Demi i will touch her i will talk to her! oh my gosh! I looked at my phone, Tyson had texted me "HEY FAT SLUT WATCHU DOIN? CUTTING YOURSELF? THAT'S A GOOD IDEA, MAYBE IF YOU KILL YOURSELF WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!"

My eyes welled up with tears. I looked up it was my turn, i walked over to demi "Hey sweetheart, ha..have your been crying?" "Yes" "Aww why?" "Oh uhm yeah the song, Warrior the lyrics ya'know they mean a lot to me" "Me to. so what's ya name hun? "oh, umm Amy" "Amy's a beautiful name, you're beautiful" my phone buzzed in my hand. I knew who it was. I didn't even look.

I couldn't hold them back. I burst out crying on Demi's shoulder. 'Shit!' I thought. "Sweety are you okay? Why are crying?!"

Demi's POV:

There was one Lovatic left in the line, she was beautiful. I couldn't help but notice she was looking at her phone and she looked kind of shocked.

She came over to me. It looked like she had been crying i asked her if she was, she replied with a simple 'Yes'. I was because of my new song Warrior, the lyrics mean a lot to her. I understand

I asked her her name. Amy, that's a beautiful name. Even i heard her phone buzz. She didn't look at it she just started crying into my shoulder.

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