Chapter 14

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‘W__Where is Lord Cavendish?   Sybrina enquired of the dowager.

‘Did you expect he’d be at home to hold your hand the whole day countess?' The dowager emphasised with a satisfied gleam in her eyes.

Tired after the long journey back home, Sybrina had overslept this morning.  It was almost nine in the morning, three hours later than she normally rose.  She’d hoped Alexander would knock on the interleading door that adjoined their bedrooms and escort her downstairs to breakfast.  Sybrina had dressed waited, and when more than enough time had passed, she’d knocked on his bedroom door and entered, only to find his room empty. 

When Sybrina had not responded to the dowager, she continued her diatribe.  ‘For some reason Alexander left instructions that you are not to be disturbed, until you are properly rested,’ the dowager thought she guessed the reason why.

It’s not what you think, but yet for some reason Sybrina could not prevent the rush of blood that tinged her cheeks.  Gosh she’s now a married woman, she should get over the embarrassment when the mere hint of what happens between a man and a woman in bed was mentioned.

‘Well, I’m pleased you’re satisfying my son,’ she glared at Sybrina, ‘I trust I will not have to wait long for you to produce an heir for my Alexander,’ the dowager demanded.

‘Did Lord Cavendish say when he will return?’ Sybrina ignored the question that was none of the dowager’s business, which did not go unnoticed by her as she reluctantly dragged out a response.  ‘He’s attending to some matters with the tenants, and a meeting in the village.  He should be back after lunch.’

‘Is there any task that I should do?’ Sybrina enquired.

‘You need to meet with Cook to plan the meals for the week.  I’ve also asked Mr Charles, the butler to take you through everything that pertains to running of the castle, as it is your responsibility now.  You need to sit with him and learn to manage the books, as well as how to order and replenish all the stocks and supplies that is needed in running the castle.  Mr Charles will be available to you the entire day, after you have taken breakfast.’

Sybrina spent the morning with Mr Charles.  She could feel a severe headache coming along.  He was as hostile and cold as the dowager.  He smiled and bowed politely like the polite butler that he was meant to be, but his eyes were cold, calculating and unwelcoming.  He resented Sybrina taking over his chores. He showed her the books and talked down to her as if she was less than ten years old.  Sybrina chose not to inform the condescending butler that she was au fait with matters of running a house and the books, after all she’d done those chores exceptionally well at her father’s estate and the orphanage.

‘The Earl has letters of credit at the general dealer, the butcher, the green grocer and all the other fine stores you may wish to make purchases from countess.’

Sybrina nodded, Alexander had already told her to take advantage of that and purchase anything her heart desired.

‘On a Friday we visit the market countess, and make all the purchases we need for the week and replenish all items that are needed in the castle.  Here is the ledger,’ he flicked the pages rather quickly, before her eye could even register anything on a single page.  ‘I shall take you through it over the course of this week, so you may familiarise yourself with the entries.’

Sybrina reached out her palm to stop him flicking the pages, ‘I shall take this to my bed chamber tonight to study it,’ she smiled politely.

‘As you wish countess,’ his eyes reflected as if she would not be able to make head or tail of the accounts.

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