Chapter 20

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Sybrina got up with the biggest, widest smile on her face. Yesterday was the happiest day in her married life. She had had breakfast with Alexander. He had arranged a romantic picnic lunch just for the two of them. Then he had taken her to the one place she loved most, the lending library. He had been so wonderful, and last night they had had a romantic dinner for two in the garden. When it had been time to go to bed, he had walked her to her chamber, kissed her sweetly on her lips and wished her a good night.

Oh, what more could a girl ask for?

Off course she loved riding in the carriage about the ton. She also loved visiting the fashion houses to see the latest gowns on display, which girl would not? She also loved attending gala dinners where she could twirl around the dance floor in her adorable husband's arms, and tonight she was going to do just that, at the Duke and Duchess of York's fancy gala dinner. And when they returned home later in the evening, well she was going to have a special surprise for her husband. Yes tonight, she was going to his bed.
Who was she kidding? She was in love with her husband. She loved him with every fibre in her body. It was no use holding out any longer. Yes he was a rake, and if he was not prepared to give up his mistress, well she could not wait any longer. She wanted him as much as she knew he also wanted her. She felt it when they touched each other. She felt it when their lips were quivering together, exchanging those sensuous kisses.
Oh yes tonight Alexander will make her, his woman. She was burning up with this desire she had for her husband, it could not carry on any longer. Tonight they will finally consummate their marriage. She loved Alexander, even if he did not love her in return, well at least she knew she was in love with the man that would take her innocence.

Hurriedly, she ran to the wash room, washed her face, changed into a beautiful leaf green day dress. She could not wait to see his handsome face and wish him good morning.
She rushed into his chamber, but it was empty. Sybrina ran downstairs and entered the breakfast parlour.

The sun shone brightly through the huge French windows, lighting up the room and basking it in sunshine. She could smell freshly baked bread, bacon, scrambled eggs, and freshly brewed coffee and tea, but no Alexander in sight.

'Good morning countess,'  Mr Charles smiled.

'Where is my husband?' Sybrina took her place at the table.

'Er__ a groom from the duchess came with an urgent message, and Lord Cavendish rushed off, and said to tell you to continue breakfast without him.

'I see.'

Suddenly, breakfast held no appeal. The sun was shining, but it could have been a cold, dark winter's day. Was she stupid to think she could put up with Alexander's infidelity? Yes some gentle ladies allowed their husbands to keep a mistress, and focused on keeping house and their children, but could Sybrina put up with that? She was a one man woman, and expected her husband to be the same. She believed in the sanctity of marriage. She believed a man and a woman should honour their vows to each other. But who was she kidding? How many of the gentlemen of the ton did not keep mistresses? The richer the men were the more mistresses they maintained, and let's face it Alexander Chauncey, Earl of Cavendish was one of the wealthiest peers of the ton.


'Sorry __ Mr Charles?'

'I asked if I may serve your breakfast.'

'No. I'm not hungry. I'm going up to my__.'

'But the Earl said__.

'He is not here now is he Mr Charles?' Sybrina stood up, flinging the napkin onto the table.

Sybrina slammed the door to her chamber and flung herself on her bed. She could not hold the torrent of tears that came flooding down her cheeks.
I hate you Alexander. I hate you.

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