Chapter 30 - Beside The Fire

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Hey guys! So, I've really been looking forward to writing this chapter, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. As always, please vote/comment if you did like it! Every single one is appreciated. :)

Picture: JJ

Song used in this chapter for Lily: Great Escape, by Mike Dignam (My favourite, feel good summer tune right now)!


Lily POV:

The sun was going down, disappearing beneath the clouds that were overtaking the darkening sky. Night was coming, but nature seemed to be coming alive. As Noah tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a road hidden by old oak trees, I signalled and made the turn, despite there being no other cars around. We were truly on our own and I thought how quiet it was. How different it was from the city. I felt Noah tighten his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Home sweet home," he whispered in my ear, as a beautiful white house came in to view.

My mouth fell open as I turned off the engine and stared up at the house. It was huge, with arching windows either side of the cherry red door. A bicycle was tipped on its side near the winding pathway leading to the entrance. There were dog toys thrown around the drive and I smiled. It didn't just feel like another house, it felt like a home.

"This is beautiful," I murmured, taking it all in.

The house had a road to itself, making it feel like we were on our own. Hopping of the bike, I turned to Noah and stared at him. He was looking up at the house with a look that made me realise how long he had been waiting to come home. And I couldn't blame him. I hadn't even been inside the house and I knew already it was the type of home that every child should have.

A small pang of regret hit me, but Noah reached out and took my hand. "So, you ready to meet the family?" he asked, squeezing my hand gently. "Because I know they're dying to meet you."

"I've been ready for a long time," I nodded, trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.

But obviously it wasn't working because Noah tilted my chin up so I was looking in to his eyes. "Don't be nervous honey," he smiled. "They'll love you, like I do."

Standing on tiptoes, I kissed him lightly and stepped back. It still amazed me that this boy standing in front of me could make me feel calm so quickly. No one else before had been able to do that, except my mother. Taking a deep breath, I smiled and followed behind as Noah walked to the front door, the huge smile on his face betraying how truly happy he was to finally be home, where he belonged.

"What about the bags?" I asked, looking at the bike over my shoulder. "I'll go get them and - "

"Don't worry about them," Noah smiled, pulling me up the front steps. "We'll get them later. Hey, do you hear that?"

Frowning, I stepped beside him and put my ear to the door. There was loud music coming from the far side of the house. "It's music," I said, looking up at Noah.

A look of understanding flashed in his eyes and he laughed softly to himself. "Of course," he muttered, shaking his head. "Wouldn't have expected anything less."

"What?" I asked.

"Well it's around eight in the evening, right?" He smiled. "Ever since I can remember, my parents sit out on the dock and listen to the radio for a while. It's something that's always been a part of my childhood, and now they do it with it JJ."

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