Chapter 3: Something New

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| Jack's POV |
So many things raced through my head. What does mum have to tell me. I can literally feel the knots tying themselves in my stomach. I quickly grabbed my key's and dashed out the door.
I arrived at the cafe and already there before me was my mum. She's never this early. Well now I see where I get my arriving late traits from.
"Oh Jack you're here! What took you so long?"
"Mum I arrived exactly 5 minutes after your call and you say I took too long." I say as I playfully roll my eyes.
"I suppose you did, but as I said earlier I had something really important to tell you..."She said with a a sudden pause. "Jack dear I know this news might be really hard to hear but I might be moving..."
"Oh really? Where are you moving too?"
"I'm moving to New York but honey that's not why I called you here..."
"Wait it's not?"
"No Jack if it was I would have told you on the phone."
"Then what is it?"
"I'm moving to New York yes, but I want to take you."
"For how long do you want me to be with you?" I question with a stern voice.
" you don't understand do you? I don't want you to just be with me temporarily. I want you to live with me."
"Mum this is absolutely insane you can't just want things like that! I have a career here in London! You have to understand that! I can't just pack my bags and leave everything I worked hard for behind?"
"No that's not what I want." She said as she looked down at the coffee which was probably cold by now.
"If that's not what you want then why would you ask me to do such a thing? I've worked so hard to gain this platform here in London. Even though I might find a agency to sign me in New York it still wouldn't be the same."
"I know baby I know, but I would have really liked it if you moved with me. We could be explorers again." She said with a small laugh.
As this conversation progressed I soon began to realize that on my coffee table at home rested an envelope from vogue offering me a job there. I was going to say no but now I'm thinking that I should just take the offer. I told mum about it and I swear you could see her face light up with joy. I kissed her good bye and left the cafe with dreams of a new career in New York. This is such a big step for me I've lived in London all my life and now I'm leaving everything behind to start a new chapter in my life. I didn't feel like going home yet so I just roamed the streets of London like the lost boy I was. I started to wonder maybe the person of my dreams was waiting to be found in New York. Maybe this is fate playing its game. Who know but the thought of moving left me excited and scared. So I tried to calm myself down as I was talking my walk hoping to discover something new.

Uncontrollably  Wrong // Jack and Finn Harries AUWhere stories live. Discover now