Chapter 6- Fights/Finding Out

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------Cass's POV-----
It is around 8:00pm. Everyone else is in the dorms already. I decided to take a walk before I go to sleep. I am walking and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Zeke, Four, Lauren, and Shawna standing behind me. I hug them all.
"I missed you guys. I recognized you guys my first night here at dinner. You better not tell anyone me and Four are related." I say.
"We promise." Says Zeke they all nod.
"So Cass how is your ankle?" Asks Lauren
"It is fine just twisted it a few days go." I say.
"I really need to get to bed. I will talk to you guys later." I say
"Bye." They all say
I am walking back to the dorms when I suddenly feel someone grab me from behind.
"You have a brother? Four is it." Says a voice. I instantly recognize it. Eric. He lets go of me. By the time I turn he is gone.
We are in the training room the next morning waiting to find out who we are fighting. The fighting assignments are Will vs. Al, Christina vs. Molly, Peter vs. Tris, Drew vs. Cass, Edward vs. Kate. Well these fights are not going down pretty.
First fight is Will and Al. Al wins and Will is carried to the infirmary by Four. Christina fights Molly. Let me say it did not end well.
"Stop!" Says Christina on the ground.
Eric walks over and says "You need to stop?" Christina nods
"Grab my hand. Everyone follow me." Says Eric loudly.
We get to the Chasm and Eric takes Christina by the and tells her to hold on to the railing. He gives her three options.
"You have three options. You fall and die. You hang there for 5 minutes. Or you give up. But if you give you are out." Says Eric
Christina is fine for the first 4 minutes then Four shows up. Christina is kind of Rocky for the last minute.
I go over to Eric and yell at him.
"Four take the rest of the initiates back to the training and wait to start the fights  until we get back." Says Eric.
Everyone walks away then Eric comes up grabs and throws me against the wall.
"Eric that hurt like-" I say but before I could finish he pulls me up and throws me against the wall again then he pins me to wall.
"You will regret yelling at me. But one thing I admire about you is you stood up to me. No one has ever done that except your brother." Eric whispers in my ear.
"Let's go." Eric says as he drags me into the training room.
Everyone just stares at me. I have a pounding headache. Then I notice I am limping also. The is not good for me.
"Next was going to be Peter vs. Tris but I am going to change it. It is now Peter vs. Cass then Drew vs. Tris." Says Eric loudly.
I walk towards the arena. I notice my friends cheering me on already.
Me and Peter start by circling each other. He punches me a few in the leg and stomach. He keeps taunting me that he knows I have a brother and he will say it in front of everyone. He sweeps my legs out from under me. Then he keeps me in the head. That is the last thing I remember before blacking out.

------Four's POV-------
Cass just got knocked out. All I am thinking while I am carrying her to the infirmary was what did Eric say and do to her.  Did Eric find out we are related? He could have found it out already. When I get back I see that Tris just got knocked out. I feelings for that her that I probably should not have. I walk over pick her and carry her to the infirmary. I go and check on my sister. She is not awake so I decide to go grab some lunch. When I go back to the infirmary I see that Cass is awake. I walk over to her.
"You okay? How is your ankle?" I ask her.
"I am fine. My ankle is also fine as far as I can tell." She replies.
"So how was the fight against Drew and Tris?" She asks
"I didn't really see it. Tris passed out. She is right next door. I am going to go check on her. Do you want to come?" I ask. She nods her head.
I help her get out of the bed. We walk over to Tris and see that she is still sleeping. The nurse came in and said she will be fine. I am happy that she will be fine.

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