Chapter 10- Chasm Attack

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------Cass's POV------
It is the second day of stage 2. Right now I am waiting for my turn.
"Cass. It is your turn now." Four says.
I get up and go through the chair and sit down. Four comes and plunges the needle in my neck.
"The serum will take affect in sixty seconds. Do what a Dauntless would do." Four says.

I open up my eyes. I see I am standing on a ledge very high off the ground. Fear of heights. I remember what Four said. Do what a Dauntless would do. I try to think of what a dauntless would do. The only thing I can think of is to jump off the building. I jump off the building. As soon as I hit the ground I wake up.

-------After Simulation-------

I wake up and jolt forward in the chair.
"How did I do?" I ask Four as he hands me my crutches.
"About the same time as yesterday." Four says.
" All I can think is they are going to find out about me then kill me." I say
"I am not going to let that happened okay. It is time for dinner. Let's go." Four says as we walk out the door and down to the dinning hall.

It is now the 4th day of stage 2. Yesterday day I faced my fear of killing an innocent  person.
"Cass." Four says.
I walk in and sit down on the chair. Four walks over and injects me with the serum. About thirty seconds later I go under.

I fell walls slam into me on both sides. Fear of small spaces. This comes from me being stuck in the closet from any time between one day and one week. I have to find a way of facing it head on. I expand my body against the walls. They break in a instant.

-----After Simulation-----

I jolt forward in the chair.
"This is not good. You got 2 minutes yesterday. You just got 59 seconds. Luckily stage 2 is almost over. It is over in one more week. The nurse wanted to see you to talk about your foot. I will have Will take you down. Then you could go to dinner. My friends should be there early today. I will see you later." Four says as he hands me my crutches and I walk out the door.
Will helps me walk down to the infirmary. The nurse comes in looks at my foot. She says that I can walk on it now but I still have to wear the aircast. Will is helping me towards the dinning since I am having a little trouble walking since I have not walked on it for a while.
After dinner everyone goes to bed. I have trouble sleeping so I decide to put on my one shoe and go take a walk. I go take a drink from the water fountain. I stop as I hear people talking.
"So you are going to inject everyone with the serum after initiation is done. Then the simulation is going to began in the morning. Correct?" Says a familiar voice.
"Yes that is-" Was the rest I heard before a hand goes over my mouth then a cloth wraps around my eyes. Then two more pairs of hands wrap something around my wrist. Then one more pairs of hands wrap push me forward. I hear water. The chasm. They are going to throw me over the chasm. I bite down on the hand around my mouth.
The hand gets removed from my mouth. I scream as loud as I can. The figures start punching. One of them punches my ankle. Well that really hurt.  While the one them holds me. Then the other helps punch me. I somehow get the cloth over my eyes off my head. They keep punching me. I hear footsteps running towards me. Two out of the three figures let go of me. The footsteps get closer. I realize that the footsteps belong to Eric and Four. The last figure let's go of me and I collapse to the ground. I see Eric and Four right in front of me. Then I black out.
I wake up and see I am in a bed. In a room that I recognize as Four's apartment.

-----Four's POV----
I am talking to Eric about stage 2 and report any divergents found. Then we hear a scream that is coming from the chasm. We both break out into a run towards the chasm. When we get there we see 3 figures standing around a smaller figure. I recognize the smaller figure instantly. My sister. I see they are beating her. I notice 2 of the figures run away. As we both get closer the last figure drops her and she falls to the ground.
"Eric could you go after the attackers. I will take care of Cass." I say.
I walk over and pick up Cass. I take her to my apartment. She wakes up in the morning after I finish taking a shower.

------Cass's POV-----
"Hey. How are you?" Four asks.
"I fine. Just a bit sore from last night. I probably should get back to the dorm. So I can change. I really don't want to do training today." I say.
"I know you don't want to put you have to. Training is going to start at 2:00 this afternoon. I will see you later." Says Four.
I get and take 2 steps then fall again. "Aw." I say.
Four comes over and picks me up and asks "What happened?"
"My foot really hurts. I can't walk on it anymore. I was able to yesterday." I say.
"Let me take you to the infirmary." Four says as he picks me up and carries me out the door down to the infirmary.
Well I hurt it enough that I got my crutches back for a few days.

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