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"I don't..."

"You do..."

"You do!" Sasuke's voice pierced and echoed as he chuckled harshly. Sakura's head finally snapped up to look at his ruined and mangled body as he stared at her with empty eyes. His eyes had been empty before he had been blind.

"Shut up you bastard, shut up!" Sakura cried as she resisted the urge to pounce at him and rip out his heart with her own hands. It would have been the best pay back for him breaking hers.

"Sakura-chan, Sakura-chan, look at me. Ignore the teme, ignore him," Naruto murmured as he reached up with one hand to caress Sakura on the cheek. He smiled at her softly as her tears landed on his nose, his cheeks, and his forehead. "Sakura-chan, stop that. You can't save me now."

Sakura shook her head, "No, I won't stop." Her hands began to clench as she willed for control.

"She wants to die with me," Sasuke cackled as a grin spread upon his blood stained lips. "You and I both know dobe that if she hadn't tried to save you now, that she would have been able to save herself. She wants to die with me."

Sakura scrunched her nose as her hands shook, "No."

"Don't lie to me Sakura."



"I jumped in front of your first chidori because I wanted to save Naruto, I only wanted to save Naruto..." Sakura hissed as she glared at the blind man who only continued to laugh in her expense. Her arms shook.

Sasuke laughed and turned his head to the sky, "Too bad I have always had a second shot then. But you already knew that, didn't you Sakura?"

Sakura shot up from her position beside Naruto, dived over his body and stumbled towards Sasuke.

Before she could leap the two steps to get to him, the wound in her chest brought her crashing down to earth. Sakura, with her face in the dirt, began to sob as her fingers flexed, reaching towards Sasuke's throat. The other hand tried to stave off the bleeding by grappling desperately at her chest, the broken pieces of her heart. "I hate you, I hate you!"

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