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Lips brushed against Naruto's collarbone and the movement on his chest died. Naruto's sobs filled the air as Sasuke's hand reached up to wrench Sakura's body away from Naruto's. The pink strands flitted from his fingers as her body hit the floor.

With all his remaining strength Sasuke had only thrown Sakura to the side, had only managed to toss her upper half down towards Naruto's legs. Naruto used his last remaining effort and her remaining chakra in his system to turn so he could see both Sasuke and Sakura's face. "She's gone teme."

The pain blossomed in Naruto's chest, and tears ran down his cheeks. He stared into the blank eyes of his brother and grinned, "I'll see you on the other side teme."

"You and I won't be going to the same place."

"We'll see."

The pain disappeared and so did the blue. Sasuke stared at the empty bodies before him as the pain continued to crawl through his whole entire being, numbing him as it went.

Sasuke collapsed onto his back as the clouds let loose and rain splattered on his face. He wondered if Naruto and Sakura were already crying for him from where ever they had went.

He tried to stop himself from wondering if he would see them again, wherever they were, as his eyes drifted close.


Kakashi's eyes flashed open as lightning rocketed through the sky. His pupils scanned the area quickly before he heaved himself up onto his forearms. More lightning flashed in the sky and played with his shadow against the wall.

He was lying in a medical tent deep within safe territory, totally and absolutely alive.

Kakashi blinked as he looked outside the open tent flap where people were busy milling about in the after math of the war. Kakashi didn't want to look outside for long... he didn't want to look because he knew that there was too high of a chance to see, see blond and pink strands peaking out from beneath white blankets.

Their bodies would be carried off as heroes, but his team wouldn't be there anymore.

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