Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Taken

Adeline Mills




"Berk?!" I screamed and fell off the bed. Hiccup jumped and rushed to make sure I'm still in one piece. I panicked and got up from the floor, suddenly feeling better.

"Oh my god! How far did I bloody swim!?" I screamed. Hiccup chuckled and shook his head.

"Addy, I don't think that cloud of magic was just something to distract yourself. I predict that Pan made the storm so you would jump over the cliff. Then I guess he opened a sea portal, causing you to jump realms-"

"Wait, I jumped realms?!" I asked loudly. He nodded. I was about to yell again when something clicked in my mind.

"Hold on, if I jumped portals, why am I here?"

"I don't get it..."

"Pan made that portal. He has been pestering me to go to Neverland with him... If he wanted me to go that badly why did the portal bring me here... and not there?" I questioned. Hiccup's face twisted into a confused on and he thought hard.

"I'm not sure, Adeline." He whispered. We stayed silent for a while. He then snapped his fingers and walked to a chair where a satchel sat. He grabbed it and handed it to me. I raised an eyebrow and took it suspiciously.

"What is this?" I asked.

"When the cloud of magic surrounded Berk, a satchel just fell out of the sky. It's yours, I assume." He said. I looked back to the bag and opened it carefully.

"What the- It's my book."


"My book on Neverland. And my book of spells and potions. How strange. And a couple of my other things are here too." I said. I put my things back into the bag and let my arms fall onto them.

"Somethings not right here..." I said while trailing off. Hiccup said nothing, probably just as confused as I was. He then shook his head, shaking away his thoughts and gestured towards the bed.

"You need to rest. If not, then you won't be able to get up by this afternoon." He said and I crawled back into the bed.

"Stay here. I'm going to get you some food. Do not get up!" He commanded and walked out the hut. I mentally screamed as I pictured what my mother and father must be going through. My mum must be in a panicked stage and probably yelling at everyone to find me.

I couldn't stay here. I must get back home.

I then remembered a healing spell I had read in Regina's book. It didn't look too hard. I thought I could manage. I began to chant in an old tongue as I hovered my hand over my faded wound. After 2 minutes of chanting, my leg began to feel a new tingling sensation. I yanked my hand back to my side and inspected my leg. It glowed green for a while, as my magic was green thanks to my mum, and then the color faded and it turned to its normal peachy color. I sighed in relief. I got up and began to move my legs, stretching around.

"Adeline! You're not supposed to walk around!" Hiccup scolded me. I scowled at him and huffed.

"I'm fine. I used a spell to complete the healing. I need to get home. Now!" I protested. Hiccup scratched his head.


"Oh bloody hell boy, my mummy must be destroying the whole kingdom looking for me!" I said in desperation. Hiccup raised his hands to embrace me, but awkwardly just hovered his hands. In defeat, he dropped them to his side and he huffed.

"Addy, I honestly don't know what to do. Your mother has closed off all portals to Camelot." I turned to the Dragon Boy in a sudden, sharp turn.

"She actually closed them off!?" I asked with disbelief. He nodded.

"The only one that has the will to open any at the moment is, well Pan." I growled in frustration.

"I don't know what my mother was thinking. Why close off the portals to everyone else, if the person she is trying to keep out can still open them with no given effort." I snapped. Hiccup sighed and scratched his arm.

"Seems kinda stupid, huh?" He said with a small smile. I nodded and sat in a chair.

"Completely stupid." I mumbled. Hiccup then cleared his throat.

"Listen, I know you are desperate to get home. The best we can do is send a mirror message to your kingdom and hope someone receives it. But for now, I promise to try and protect you." I smiled at Hiccup.

"You're too kind Hiccup. I can see why Merida took a liking to you." His eyes suddenly widen and a gleam of happiness shined in them.

"Really? She likes me?" I laughed and nodded.

"Ye kiddin me, lad? The lass was all over ye." I mocked in Merida's accent. He laughed and ruffled his hair.

"It was hard to tell. I heard she's the toughest princess out there." He said with a blush. I scoffed playfully and crossed my arms.

"Psh. I say second toughest." Hiccup chuckled.

"Who comes in first?"

"Me of course." I said. He laughed again.

"Come on, Addy. I'll show you the dragons I was talking about."


"Good night Adeline. Need anything else?"

"No, I'm good, thank you." Hiccup nodded and closed the door behind him as he left. I turned to the dresser and began to pick out some comfortable clothes for sleeping. A day of learning everything about dragons will tire you out, I swear.

Tired, Love? I gasped and held out my arms as I heard an unfamiliar voice. I surveyed the room carefully, fear and anxiety rising up in me.

"P-Pan? I swear i-if you s-scare me..." I stuttered out when I don't see him.

Not Pan, love, but close enough. I looked above me to see a dark figure. I screamed and tripped over my shoes. I backed away from the figure.

"Who are you? No wait- what are you?!" I demanded. The thing chuckled.

Dont fear me, child, for I am Pan's shadow. It answered.

"Of course you are. What are you doing here? And what do you want?" I asked, very much annoyed. It chuckled again and picked my bag off the chair.

I'm here to make a very special delivery to my master.

And before I knew it, the shadow had picked me up by my waist and had flown out the window, with me in its arms, screaming for dear life.

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