Chapter 49

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Chapter 49: A Mother's Cry

Adeline didn't know how to react when she saw Peter Pan just sitting there on her old bed. He had a solemn face on as he just stared at her photograph.

"The Pure One huh? I always knew you had powerful magic." Peter said. His eyes didn't quiver from the photo and Adeline subconsciously placed her hand over the Pure Ones dagger. Pan didn't notice.

"How did you get here?" He questioned her and Adeline frowned at how calm he was. But nonetheless she responded.

"None of your business."

He chuckled but it was such a dry chuckle, it made Adeline's hairs stick on end. She didn't want to be there anymore. The boy in front of her was scaring her to no end.

"It is my buisness because I know you came all this way just to tell me something. Tell me, what do you want? Your freedom? My love? Wealth...?" Adeline's face turned to stone and she got a furious look in her eyes.

"I'm the heir to the throne of Oz, wealth is not my issue. And your love? Ha! You couldn't tell love from obsession if it hit you in the face." She snapped and finally Pan looked up at her. He seemed to glow brighter, and Adeline guessed it was from all the power he was receiving from the destroyed realms lands.

"And freedom? Well, who really is free under your care?" She whispered. He didn't say anything and instead grabbed another picture from the pile he had.

"I will never forgive you." As Adeline suddenly said after only seconds of silence. Peter looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"For what, might I ask?" He mused making Adeline's fire burn.

"You know what for, don't play coy. You have been destroying the realms for their magic. You even glow because of all the power. You destroyed Oz." Adeline finally managed to say. Peter had to look away when Adeline's eyes began to slightly water when talking of her fallen kingdom. And all at the hands of the man she liked.

Peter Pan said nothing. He had no excuse for what he had done, except for the fact he did it just for magic. To Adeline, that was no excuse. That was just plain selfish.

And as both of them argued and talked back and forth, niether of them could guess what Adeline's little friends were going on about now.


"She's going to kill us if she knew what we planned to do!" Alejandro said as Tiger Lily led the way.

"I agree. I didn't know her long but geez, Adeline's intimidating." Devin said and Tinkerbelle nodded.

"Too late anyways. There's Camelot's castle." Tiger Lily said. The four stopped to admire the castle. It was perfectly perfect.

"Tink, you've been here before."

"Yes, I have."

"Great. We need to get in. Might you know the person best to speak with?" Tiger Lily asked and Tinkerbelle nodded.

"Follow me." The fairy said and they all walked into the courtyard. At the door, they were stopped by two guards. All four of the teenagers noticed they were twins.

"What's your purpose?" One asked loudly and Tinkerbelle stepped up before Tiger Lily could scold at them.

"I wish to speak with Princess Emma and Prince Killian." Tink said clearly. The guard glanced at his partner and back to the four.


"Tinkerbelle." The fairy said and the guard nodded before opening the huge doors.

"Come along then." The guard said as he let them in. He guided them through a long hall and into a huge room where three thrones sat at the end of the room on a platform.

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