Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: Alejandro

Adeline Mills

"Are we almost there?" I asked and Felix nodded.

"Can't be far from her home. Then again, we did get lost the last time we tried to find her." Felix said and I frowned.

"You mean, we could be lost at this very moment, with no map." I scolded and Felix rolled his eyes.

"We aren't lost-"

"How do you know?" I snapped.

"We definitely aren't lost." Alejandro spoke up and Felix smiled smugly.

"Yeah, see? I knew we weren't... Wait, how do you know?" Felix then turned to Alejandro and the Spaniard hunk squirmed slightly.

"Because there's a coconut tree we must pass 5 minutes before we arrive to Tinks treehouse." He said, as if he had been through here many times. I raised an eyebrow but said nothing as we finally spotted the coconut tree.

"Look! There it is! We can't be far now!" I exclaimed and we picked up our speed. After exactly 5 minutes, trust me I timed, we began to see the glow of a lantern up ahead. I pointed it out and Felix nodded. I saw the familiar roped ladder and grabbed it. I was about to begin climbing when Felix stopped me.

"Let me go up first. Just in case."
I nodded and moved aside to let the blond go through. He reached the top and I waited patiently.

"Adeline, start climbing, women." I heard Felix exclaim and I rolled my eyes.

"Go, Addy. Climb, ariba!" Alejandro said and hoisted me up to the ladder. I grunted as I began to make my way up. Once at the top, I looked around the tree house, expecting to see Tink's familiar face. But she was nowhere in sight.

"She's not here." Felix mumbled while moving some of Tink's books off the bed so I could lay down. I heard Alejandro standing behind me as he also looked around in confusion.

"That's odd. She's usually here at this time of night..." Alejandro mumbled as he looked around. I nodded stupidly until I processed what he just said. I turned to him with suspicion and crossed my arms.

"How the bloody hell do you know mate?" I taunted. The boy blushed red and ruffled his hair. He looked away and avoided my question. But Felix wasn't one to leave things alone.

"Wait, wait, hold on, don't avoid the question, lad. Tell us, how do you know?" Felix questioned and Al blushed even more.

"It's nothing."

"Tell us." I insisted. Alejandro ignored us and walked towards Tink's small kitchen area. He began to rummage for food and came back with three mangos.

"Eat. You'll need your strength." He said softly. I took the fruit and handed one to Felix.

We ate in silence and I began to feel my eyes drooping after a while. I guess Felix noticed because he gestured towards Tink's cot.

"Lay down. Pan will have my head if you become sleep deprived." He whispered and he managed to get a small chuckle out of me. I lifted myself up and laid on the comfortable cot and Alejandro covered me with a soft blanket.


"Yes, Adeline?"

"When will Peter and Liam return?" I questioned in a sleepy voice. He chuckled and sat down in front of my cot with his back against it, as if he would protect me if anything threatened to come my way.

"Soon, Adeline, soon."

And I fell asleep.


"How is my queen?"

"Fine. After she ate, she went straight to sleep."

"Make sure she gets plenty of sleep, Felix." It was Peter's voice.

"Of course, Pan."

"Another thing, Pan, we can't find Tinkerbelle. I sent Alejandro to look for her but we can't locate her."

"Has he checked with the Indians?"


"No. I'll see if they are willing to talk."

"Make sure that bloody fairy doesn't rat us out to the pirates. I'm sure if Adelines family finds out ways to get here, they'll be here the next day."

"I'll make sure of it Pan."

"Kill the fairy if needed."

"Will do, Pan."

My eyes opened suddenly and I was scared. My back was towards Felix and I faced the wall, not letting him see that I was awake. Tink could get hurt if she was a traitor to Pan. Technically, since I met her, she was already one, but to actually hear Pan was willing to kill her, frightened me for her.

To alert Felix I was awake I shifted in my blankets and turned around. I blinked through the light and scrunched my face.

"Morning. Addy."

"Good Morning Felix." I said with a hoarse voice and rubbed my eyes.

"I spoke with Pan today." I pretend to be fully awake at the mention of him.

"Is he OK? Is he hurt? Is Liam with him? When can I go back?" I asked rapidly. Felix raised his hands and I closed my mouth.

"He's fine. But he doesn't want you to go back just yet. Pan thinks there's a traitor among us. The people who attacked us weren't just regular pirates. They were from a kingdom close to Misthaven. Arendelle or something. Point is, if they found a way to get here to Neverland with no problem, Pan's worried they'll find a way to take you away from him. He needs to secure the camp before you can return." He informed and I huffed but nodded my head. Pan must think Tink's to blame.

"Where's Alejandro?" I asked as I began chugging a coconut shell with water.

"Looking for the fairy. She hasn't returned and Al insisted on going out to look for her."

"Will he be alright? I heard it's dangerous in the Dark Forest."

"He'll be fine. By what we saw yesterday, he sure knows his way around this forest."

"Yes he does." I responded softly as I remembered the events from yesterday. Alejandro knew this forest like the back of his hand. He knew where to go and everything. It was suspicious but I decided to not question it.

"Don't worry about it Addy. By the way, Pan will be here to see you later so don't fret about that either. He did say he misses you though."

"How did he communicate with you? Was he here in the treehouse?"

"No, this mirror here helped me talk with him. It's connected to the mirror he has in his tent." He explained and showed me the small round mirror. It had a golden cover and on the front in fancy font were the words, Peter Pan.

I traced my finger over the lettering and gave it back to Felix.

"When is he coming?"

"I'm assuming after midday."

"Was anyone hurt?"

"You'll have to ask him when he gets here."

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