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The second I slipped into the building, I knew that they had known we were coming. This mission was top secret, how did they figure it out? I started to wonder if they knew that I specifically was coming. Everything in the building was eerily quiet, but I knew they were there. I could hear the individual heartbeats of hundreds of soldiers. It was thunderous. We were walking into a trap. My team could have been killed in minutes if we were surrounded like I thought we were. I signaled for them to stop moving. I pointed back through the door we came up. I signaled them to make it to the plane. We had the pull out if we were going to live.

This just proved my theory that what was happening was happening inside of SHIELD. There was a potential that SHIELD was compromised. How long had this been going on? This had to go on our top priority. It was time to cleanse SHIELD, once again.

My team and I were on our way out, when someone tripped some kind of alarm. Men came flooding out the rooms, and gun fire littered the halls. My arms flew up to protect myself. I grabbed my guns next and started to shoot.

"Go!" I screamed at my team. I was what was between them and the enemy. I killed the closest agents coming at us. I ran up the stairs trying to leave there as quick as I could. My team filed on to the quinjet. Every now and then I'd have to turn and shoot behind me. My team fired from the plane. The plane started to lift off and I jumped to catch it, but someone grabbed onto my foot.

"Grab on to my hand!" Bobby yelled trying to help me onto the jet. I struggled and soon it felt like more and more people were trying to pull me down. They weren't shooting at me which was weird. They didn't want me dead. But they were getting ready to shoot down the jet.

"Go back, and report this. Tell Fury it's all on the inside." I ordered Bobby and I let go of the jet. I was caught by the enemy and tackled down to the ground.

I woke up in a cage. Well it was more like a prison cell. It had walls of bars that held me in. The cage was actually big, maybe a space of fifteen feet by twenty. The floor was concrete, and the cell was in a open room. When I woke up a guard left, probably notifying a higher up. Within the next thirty minutes someone entered the cage. He was a man taller than I was. He walked in holding himself as if he expected me to fight him, and most impotantly for him to beat me in that fight. He was confident in his ability, and that seemed like the only thing he was confident in. They had him muzzled, his mouth hidden, and his eyes had dark goggles on. I couldn't see any of his features. He might as well have had on a mask. The only thing I knew is that he had a metal arm.

They closed the caged door, to keep us in. A couple of men stood around the outside of the bars looking in at their two caged animals.

"Fight her," They commanded him in Russian. I could see now that this was a battle ring. We were supposed to fight to the death. They wanted to see who was more powerful, a man with a metal arm or a super soldier. He stood there, facing me not moving. He was hesitating and I took my shot. I needed the upper hand if I was going to fight him. Who knew what other tricks they had under their sleeves.

I quickly made my way over to him, he was waiting for me to make the first move, like he didn't want to attack me. But we had no choice and I needed to get this over as quickly and as painless as possible.

I went to punch him in the face, it was a bold move. But I knew he'd catch it. I needed to see how strong he was. He caught my fist with his metal arm. He held it there. I think we both realized in that moment, that our opponent was enhanced. I quickly turned. I elbowed him in his gut. He let go of my fist, and tried to punch me. He barley missed. I moved away from him. Neither one of us had any weapons on us, so we had to rely on our fighting abilities. He tried to punch me again. I ducked, and punched him in his gut. I had gotten one hit in. But I was always blocking his. He came at me quickly and powerfully. He was relentless. Punch after punch. Hit after hit. He was backing me up in a corner. He hit me knocking me across the ground, knocking the wind out of me. He stalked towards me like a beast, waiting to eat its prey. I was still on the ground. He came closer to kick me. I grabbed his foot, and threw him up. He landed on his back. I got up to hit him.

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