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"Anna" Fury said acknowledging my presence. I had walked through the helicarrier towards headquarters.

"Hey, want to catch me up on all of this." My initial answer was a heavy sigh. He ushered me to a computer before beginning his speech.

"Apparently this Loki character came out of the Tesseract. He's Thor's adopted brother from Asgard. Barton figured it was a portal before the goddamn astrophysicists." Fury started to explain. I stood next to him as he was pulling stuff up on the computer.

"His little scepter can brainwash people. Barton's compromised, so is Selvig. A couple other SHIELD agents are gone too."

"We don't know how the scepter works at all. Loki is apparently bringing an alien army to fight and win Earth. We think he's using the Tesseract as a portal."

"We have Loki locked up, and we have the scepter right?" I asked clarifying some details.

"Yes, and right now Romanoff is giving him a pep talk. He's a strange man."

"What resources does Clint have?"

"We think he has access to a quinjet, SHIELD personnel and any weapon of his choice. He is very well equipped."

"Where are we heading now?"

"We're slowly heading back to the New York base."

"Get this thing over water as soon as possible. I want any plane, any aircraft that even makes a dot on the radar marked and communicated with. It's best if we act as if they are hostile, and point our guns at them until they show a photo image of who is on that aircraft."

"You hear that Maria?" Fury asked Maria who stood by us. She nodded and got the edict out.

"Barton's going to come to us. He has the people, the weapons, and the guts to do so. He knows this helicarrier inside and out, he'll try to attack, get Loki, and the scepter."

"I have no doubt, I'll add some more guards to Loki's holding cell right now." Fury added.

"He looks sadistic, he has a plan, and I have a feeling it's working just right for him." I observed looking at Loki through a monitor.

"Loki means to unleash the Hulk." Natasha announced through our coms.

"I don't think Loki wants to work with the Hulk, it's just a distraction." I quickly mentioned turning to Fury.

"Why do you say that, the Hulk's a perfect add on to his little group."

"It'll take too long to get out of the cell, get the scepter and then round up the Hulk. But it's perfect to leave everyone on here to fight the Hulk instead of fighting him." I explained.

"Where's our starters?" I asked Fury

"In the lab, and Stark's messing with the computer system again."

"I'll go give them a little visit. You prepare for Barton. I'll see if I can't get a reading on how Banner's doing right now, and talk to Stark." I turned to head off but Fury grabbed my arm.

"Anything I should know about?" He whispered.

"Not here. But they knew I was coming." I murmured equally as quiet and he released my arm. I headed to the lab.

"Anna?" Tony said confused. He was taken aback that I was here.

"Ms. Smith" Bruce greeted barely looking up at me.

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