11: Final Offers

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My bedroom mirror stole all my focus, eyes zeroing in on the bump that was my stomach that had popped the last couple of days.

"You look beautiful," my eyes caught the brown gaze lingering in my doorway.

"I look bloated." I turned to the side again, stroking a hand over the lump. "I guess I can finally take Rebekah up on her offer to drag me maternity shopping."

"She'll be delighted," his chuckle made me smile, chasing away the remnants of my scowl.

"Only because it distracts her from addressing the tension between her and Marcel."

He approached me from behind, offering out my cardigan from its prior place on the back of my door. "My sister has been burned many times by the men she's offered her heart to, Marcel being one of them. I can't say I blame her caution."

I accepted the material with a frown, "Do you think I'm making it worse for her?"

His sigh didn't fill me with confidence, "I think she's happy to see Niklaus has finally found his own happiness, but I suppose that doesn't take away from the stinging reminder of all her prior happiness that he thought himself justified to ruin. You're not making anything worse for her, Angela, she just needs time to arrange her thoughts and decide what she truly wants. If taking you shopping both distracts her from considering Marcel a current suitor and stops you frowning at your developing figure, I say do it sooner rather than later."

My eyes rolled with a laugh at the vampire, "Ever the charmer." I took in his suit, "What, no jeans today?"

He chuckled, "I didn't think them appropriate for our schedule." He offered out his elbow, "Speaking of; shall we?"

I linked with the immortal, glad to be guided to our meeting room even if a part of me worried a wrong step in our future conversation would break up the little slice of heaven we'd whipped up for ourselves; ruin how suspiciously peaceful, and good, and easy the last couple of months had been...

The witches stood by their word, amenable to working with the other factions in the city after the Harvest was completed. The Ritual went down without a hitch; the four correct girls resurrected without any more delay, and the following Reaping at the 'Fete des Benedictions' moving almost on fast forward. The community welcomed all the resurrected girls with open arms, the teachings they were supposed to receive in their 'sleep-like-state' simply occurring under Josephine LaRue's supervision.

Like I said: it had all been suspiciously easy.

I stuck with Davina as much as she allowed, the 16-year-old still opting to live with us in the compound since any family she had didn't make it past the first attempt to sacrifice her. So far, the ancestors had strayed from tormenting her for putting a delay on completing the Ritual and siding with vampires against her own kind. Then again, they didn't really have much room to argue considering they were currently teaming up with werewolves and vampires thanks to my 'almighty' knowledge coaxing them to play nice. The remaining three harvest girls had yet to show any bad blood to her from what I'd witnessed, and while Monique took some distance the first few weeks she came back to grieve her mother, she'd soon sought the comfort of her once best friend, separating the death from Davina's actions being driven by a fear she also felt when her throat was slit. I'd warned the witch to tell me the second she felt anything going sour, but she truly seemed content, and I was glad to see it.

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