15: It's A Girl!

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A tickle of weight against my forehead woke me up, my throat groaning at the sunlight before I turned over and curled into myself. I nearly slapped my face trying to remove the nuisance that disturbed my slumber, my brows pulling together when I felt the course texture of paper.

I pushed myself to sit up, pulling apart the folded messaged taped to my skin and blinking so the words would stop being blurry:

'I'm kidnapping you for the day. Wear something cute and meet me in the alleyway behind the Abattoir before your baby daddy realizes you're gone.

- ;)'

Even with the lack of signature I could guess who'd left the note, moving as quickly as my bump would allow before checking the girls were still passed out. My steps were quiet during the escape, slipping out the back entrance and sending Klaus a text not to worry about where I was for the day...

Damon was leaning against his blue 1969 Chevy Camaro convertible, his typical smirk instead opting for a small smile. The ex-immortals expression brightened when I drew closer, "Hey." I grinned at his wave, nearly tripping over myself to grab him in a hug... "I've missed you," was finally whispered into my hair, his hold tightening around me.

"I've missed you more," I whispered back, incapable of stopping the odd tear from falling when the familiar scent of him surrounded me. I once took so much love and comfort from his presence, it was crazy to me how much had and hadn't changed between us since then.

His own eyes were watering when he pulled back, cupping my cheeks to wipe away my joy. "So," he glanced down at my stomach, "You're barely missing a few months and you managed to get knocked up by a megalomaniac(?)"

I giggled at his smirk, "In my defense, I was already pregnant when I left Mystic Falls--or at least, starting to become an incubator."

He shook his head, glancing back down. His expression changed slightly, an unexpected question leaving his lips before I could even try to guess what he was thinking. He motioned to my belly, "May I?"

My brows kissed my hairline in confusion, "Uh, s-sure."

And then Damon Salvatore--aka: my ex-vampire paramour--kneeled on the cobbled alleyway ground and prodded my clothed stomach. "Hey," I was frozen with the address, Damon being the first person outside of Klaus and I to even try and talk to the fetus. "It's gonna be a few more months before you have the pleasure of meeting me. I'm your Uncle Damon, the guy who'll facilitate all the rule-breaking of your future to drive your father insane--"


I found myself laughing, the man flashing me a grin before returning to his one-sided conversation, "But while you're in there, I need you to be good to your mom. She deals with enough from everyone out here, and the last thing she needs to be doing is to worry about you as well, you got it(?)--Woah!" His laughter was of surprise, not anticipating his palm being kicked in response. "I'll take that as a yes," his thumb stroked just below my belly button, the new human leaning forward for one final whisper. I knew that if I wasn't supernatural, I never would have heard him... "Your mother's nothing but trouble, and I want you to be just like her."

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