Ch 6 - Daughter of The Dragon

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Since some of you are still oblivious, even at this point in time, so:

One - Nigel

Two - Nadia

Three - Mordecai

Four - Malachi

Five - Aziel

Six - Xander

Also, 'D' is what Elle calls Six because of the 'D' in his name Xander. It's her nickname for him. Nothing else.


"Where's my-" I gave her the phone before she finished her question.

She blushed. "Thank you."

"You're adorable blossom," I said before kissing her forehead.

I headed to my closet to pick out my all black outfit for the day. I was shirtless, dressed only in my black sweatpants and slippers, while she was dressed in another pair of my black sweatpants and a white tank top with my socks.

She loves my clothes more than her own for whatever reason.

"I'm also not ready for school," she whined.

"But school is ready for you," I mocked as I walked back out with my outfit for the day.

She threw a cushion at me, making me laugh. "Why do I love you?"

"You don't really have a choice considering I could kill you for not loving me," I told her, putting my outfit down.

She giggled. "I'd like to see you try and kill me."

I surprised her and jumped onto the bed, landing on her with a knife to her throat. "You were saying?"

"I could ask you the same question," she said with a smirk. I wasn't sure what she was talking about, until I felt the cool metal on my abdominal section.

She had a knife set on my stomach.

"How?" I asked, getting up.

She shrugged. "My boyfriend told me to always be ready for anything."

"You listen to me too much," I said with a scowl.

"My life depends on it D. Of course I listen to you," she replied. I detected the fear and sadness in her tone.

I got back onto the bed so that I could collect her into my arms. "I'm here for you blossom. I promise no one is going to hurt you again."

"I know. I'm just on edge, and it's going to take a while before I can feel fully safe again, but having you there makes me feel a whole lot better," she said before kissing my cheek and heading towards the bathroom.

I sighed and headed downstairs. We were at my house and it was just the two of us since it had been agreed that we'd be going back to normal for now. Franco left for his businesses while Silo headed back to Genesis after swearing that he wouldn't say anything about blossom.

It had been four days since we'd revealed everything to Nick, Mrs Solano and the girls. Mordecai and Malachi wouldn't be joining us at school since it's too late. They were finishing off high school with their assigned home school tutors and teachers.

As far as I know, we're all headed to Massachusetts. Nigel, Malachi, blossom, Nick, Sunny and I were all heading to Harvard. Aziel, Mordecai, Cash, Eli, Jayme and Bridgette are headed to MIT, and Wes and Felix are headed to Boston University.

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