Chapter Six

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Caitlin stood in the middle of the village square surrounded by Darach's clan. Pleased to make her acquaintance was the blacksmith with his four brawny sons, the miller's wife with her three well-fed sons, and Oslow's handsome son Angus, whom she'd spoken to for quite a while. The tanner and his family were there, the baker, the tinker, the weaver. Plus all the folks who farmed the land and fished the loch, as well as many of Darach's warriors.

Her cheeks ached from smiling. Everyone was so friendly, so thankful for what she'd done for Fergus and outraged at her treatment by Laird Fraser.

She'd been hugged, kissed, and pinched more times in the last two hours than she had her entire life. Everyone had opened their hearts to her like she was their daughter.

But how would they feel if they knew the truth about her? Would they still want her to stay? Darach had pledged to take care of her, but it was a promise based on half-truths, and she didn't consider it binding.

Her smile slipped. Verily, she didn't deserve the love and protection the MacKenzies offered.

Glancing over her shoulder, she found Darach standing behind her with his arms crossed over his chest. He'd barely said a word since locating her in the stables earlier.

She hadn't noticed his reticence at first, she'd been too excited to be back on his horse and in his arms as they headed toward the village. But when they'd come across a group of his warriors training with Oslow, his bad temper had shown itself. Not that he'd yelled or even raised his voice. Nay, his heavy silence was enough to make the men quake in their boots.

He made the villagers nervous as well, for they bowed or curtsied formally then avoided his gaze.

She moved closer to him and murmured, "If you'd looked like that when you'd found me, I'd have thought you a devil rather than an angel. Verily, Darach, if I have displeased you, tell me, and I'll leave."

His frown deepened. "You willna be going anywhere but back to the castle where I can keep the scoundrels away from you."

Caitlin stared at him, uncertain of his meaning. Surely he didn't mean his clan – they were lovely people. Realization dawned, and she warmed inside. He must be worried for her safety lest the Frasers attack. "Och, there's no need for such vigilance. Look how many braw, young men surround me. The MacKenzies would ne'er let a Fraser through."

Darach snorted and rolled his eyes heavenward, mouthing a silent prayer. At least, that's what it looked like to Caitlin. Another of his warriors approached with Gare, and she smiled, the pain in her cheeks forgotten as she greeted them.

"Caitlin, this is Nab," Gare said. "He's one of our best fighters and will help keep you safe from the Frasers."

She nodded. "'Tis an honor, Nab. God's truth, I appreciate your vigilance. I canna imagine anyone getting past you and the other strong MacKenzies."

Nab's chest swelled. "For sure, we'd fight to the death for you, lass."

She heard Darach snort again.

~ ~ ~ ~

Darach wanted to kill Gare for spending the last two hours introducing every soldier and young man he knew to Caitlin. One glance and they were as besotted as every other lad in the village, young or old. The women, too, who couldn't get over Caitlin's success with Fergus.

Brodie was also there, but he was more interested in advancing his relationship with the lasses by introducing them to Caitlin. It was nearly three hours since they'd been surrounded by Darach's clan. What more could the MacKenzies have to say?