Chapter Nine

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"Good morning, Caitlin. You slept late."

Caitlin jumped as Edina appeared from behind her, and she almost tumbled down the stairs she'd been quietly descending.

Her words came out quickly, sounding guilty to her own ears. "Aye, I waited up to tell Darach that Fergus had moved into the keep. I didn't want him to worry in case he went to the kitchen and found the lad gone."

"That was thoughtful of you."

Edina passed her with a basketful of laundry and Caitlin fell into step behind her. They crossed the great hall and exited into the bailey.

It was well past mid-morning, and the yard was unusually quiet with only a few people milling about. She blinked in the bright sunlight. "Where is everyone?"

"Darach and Oslow took a number of men on patrol and many of the rest have been deployed in preparation for the conflict. We still have a strong guard at the castle and in the village, of course. Laird MacKenzie would ne'er let any harm come to you."

Caitlin stopped, her jaw dropping as Edina hurried down the stairs.

"They've gone?"

"Aye, early this morning."

Reaching the ground, Edina entered another door to the supply room. Caitlin stared after her. How could he be gone? She needed to see him, speak to touch him. She needed reassurance about last night.

Feeling a good cry coming on, she flopped down on the step and put her head on her knees. 'Tis not like anyone was there to see her weep. He'd taken them all without saying goodbye. Never a thought to her at all.

Uncaring man.

But the tears wouldn't come. How long would he be gone? Would he even miss her? She jumped up and raced down the stairs, following Edina into the supply room. The housekeeper was in the corner counting bags of oats.

Caitlin hurried over. "When will they be back?"

"Oslow thought maybe a week."

"Are they in danger?"

"I doona think so. The Frasers are a tricky bunch but not as well prepared as our Laird. He's been planning this conflict for years."

"But it isna the big one, right? He would have said goodbye to me before he went to war."

"Aye, Caitlin. Doona fash."

She hovered behind Edina as the housekeeper moved through the storeroom making notes. With Darach gone, Caitlin felt lost. Even if the clan wasn't going to battle, he could still fall from his horse or tumble off a cliff. What if he banged his head and didn't remember her? She was proof it could happen.

Well, not really, but Oslow had said it sometimes happened.

"Did you see them off this morning?" she asked.

"Aye. 'Twas not long after sunup."

"So, they'd planned it ahead of time." He could have told her yesterday. He'd had plenty of time.

"I knew Oslow was going, but I didn't know Darach intended to go as well. Maybe 'twas something he and Laird MacKay decided at the last minute."

He'd taken Lachlan away, too, then, and most likely Gare and Brody. None of them had said goodbye. Apparently, she didn't rate a second thought for any of the men who'd saved her.

Edina placed a bag of oats in her hands. "Quit pouting and make yourself useful."

"I'm not pouting."

HIGHLAND PROMISE (THE SONS OF GREGOR MACLEOD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum