Chapter Seven

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"Hati, stay!"

Caitlin glared at the huge dog, eyes wide, stare direct. She put as much authority into her voice as possible as she battled the big male for dominance. His brother, Skoll, lolled on the ground beside him. Skoll had submitted to Caitlin after the first day of training in return for treats and her approval. It had been three days, and while she had made good headway with Hati, he still did not obey her to the extent she wanted.

If Darach's dogs had been smaller or the kittens safety not at stake, she might have accepted Hati's reluctant obedience. As it was, he gazed intently at the four kittens playing on a blanket with Fergus several feet away. Caitlin was fair certain as soon as her back was turned the hound would run after them...again.

The dogs were named after the wolves Hati and Skoll in Norse Mythology, who'd chased the sun and the moon trying to eat them. According to legend, when their quarry was caught, the world would come to an end. 'Twas no wonder Darach's dogs misbehaved when they had such namesakes.

But Caitlin was stubborn, and Hati would submit as Skoll had – from sheer boredom, if naught else.

A number of people loitered in the bailey watching her progress, and a few soldiers stood guard over the kittens should Hati test Caitlin's authority again. That niggled, but Darach had insisted, obviously not believing she could control the large dog. A few more days and she would prove him wrong.

"Such good lads," she crooned and gave them a treat and a pet. Their tails thumped on the ground. They had stayed in place for over an hour now, and she was about to release them when their bodies tensed with excitement. Skoll pushed himself into a sitting position, muscles quivering, while Hati whined eagerly at something behind her.

Or someone. Darach most likely. He was their alpha, and they obeyed him with complete devotion.

Her own excitement rose, too, and her stomach flipped when she sensed him behind her. She wanted to turn around but was afraid to lest the dogs disobeyed and ran to him. Instead, she widened her eyes and stared them down.

They stayed.

"I would ne'er have believed it," Darach said into her ear. "You are to be commended. My beasts behaving and Fergus out here amongst his family, clean and happy, playing with the kittens. 'Tis true what they say, you are a miracle worker."

Her heart filled at the compliment. "'Tis only that they want to obey more than they want my displeasure. And Fergus wants to be where the kits are."

"Fergus wants to be where you are. As do half the clan."

A blush rose in her cheeks. She wanted to ask if he felt the same.

Probably not, if his absence the last three days was any indication. She'd seen him briefly during the day, at the evening meal, and maybe for a short time before bed. At night, she barred her door as he'd requested, but only because she didn't want to upset him when he'd asked her so nicely. It felt wrong to lock him out, but like Hati and Skoll, she also wanted to please him.

"Would you like to see them crawl?" she asked, excited to show off their latest trick.

"You've taught my beasts to grovel?"

"Aye, it took all morning. It keeps their joints limber."

She almost laughed at his pinched expression. By the look of him, one would think he took great pride in his dogs' unruliness. She could scarce wait to show him how they could bow, rollover, and beg, too.

"Stand here and let us come to you."

She grasped a treat in both hands and walked between the dogs. "By my side," she commanded. Skoll obeyed immediately, but Hati looked back at Darach longingly before complying. Caitlin directed them into a down position facing Darach.