Chapter Twelve

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"Where's Caitlin?"

Panic fought with Darach's innate self-discipline. On the one hand, a precise plan had formed the moment Lachlan had said Fraser was here, on the other hand, he just wanted to grab Caitlin and lock her in her room.

"She's downstairs with Fergus," Lachlan said. "Doona worry, the portcullis is locked and Oslow has Fraser and the others under guard. I rode ahead. They should arrive shortly."

Caitlin's laughing voice drifted up from the bailey, and he moved to the window to look out. The dogs trailed her and she had Fergus, who carried a kitten, by the hand as she headed toward the kitchen. Two more of the kittens darted in front of them; a third sat atop the well.

Darach couldn't help smiling. The Queen's Guard.

He quickly dressed and went to his solar, sitting behind his desk. Lachlan followed and sat in the chair across from him.

"Will you write the lads and Gregor?" he asked.

"Aye." Darach pulled out his quill to request aid from his foster-father and Darach's three remaining foster-brothers, Kerr, Gavin, and Callum. They would support him in this conflict.

"I think Kerr is at Gavin's, trying to woo Isobel," Lachlan said, grinning. "She's running him a merry chase. And Gregor visits Callum, helping him ferret out the traitor in Callum's clan. 'Tis fortunate they can travel together."

Darach finished the first letter and sprinkled it with sand to set the ink. "What was the name of the King's man with Fraser?"

"Birk Anderson. A lowlander."

"How does he know Fraser?"

"According to your man inside, he was on business for the King and took shelter with them during the storm."

Darach tapped the quill against his lip. On the surface, the men were here for Caitlin. The uncle's involvement was a testament to that. No way in hell would they get her. The question was why had Fraser involved the King? Was it simply to force Darach's hand, or was it more complicated than that?

"And we doona know the man's business in the Highlands?"


He returned his attention to the letters but listened for any screams from the bailey. He'd just finished the third letter when he heard feet running up the stairs and down the corridor. The door burst open, and Caitlin stood there, hair streaming down her back, cheeks flushed. She was so beautiful, his heart hurt.

"Why are you out of bed?" she asked.

Darach paused, should he tell her Fraser would soon arrive with her uncle? Nay. Not yet. She'd most likely do something foolish. "Doona fash, Caitlin. I'm fine."

Moving forward, she felt his brow. He wrapped his arm around her hips, and his anxiety lessened.

She removed her hand, apparently satisfied he wasn't feverish, and smiled at Lachlan. "Edina said you may have seen Cloud. I want to fetch him."

"Nay!" Lachlan and Darach said together. Darach tightened his arm around her as if she would be kidnapped at any moment.

She stiffened. "But he willna come for anyone else. 'Tis my fault he's out there alone. I need to bring him home."

"Not now," Darach said. "'Tis best you stay in the keep."


"Must I give you a reason? Canna you do as I ask, just this once?"

HIGHLAND PROMISE (THE SONS OF GREGOR MACLEOD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz